Ask a parent the following questions and record your answers and their answers in the comments section.
It is impossible to disagree with the fact that America was founded on the idea of government working for the people and not the other way around. This idea is common in many of our early foundational documents and was a consistent belief of our founding fathers and a commonly held conviction of many great leaders of our country throughout the 1800s and 1900s. One example comes from the Declaration of Independence when it says government gets "...their just powers from the consent of the governed". Another example of this idea being expressed is Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. In the Gettysburg Address Lincoln ends his speech talking about " a government of the people, by the people, and for the people".
Is our federal government currently acting like "a government of the people, by the people, and for the people"?
In what ways are United States' politicians working for the people?
In what ways are politicians not living up to their roles of representing the citizens of the United States?
At this moment right now the government is getting way too involved in the lives of citizens of the U.S.A. All these years in America's history the government has stayed away from citizens and only getting involved if necessary.And what we talked about today in class, Obama is breaking all the rules of the government by getting into the lives of citizens when we don't want the government in our lives.Especially since this healthcare bill has been passed.The politicians are our friends because they are sort of like the mediators of the citizens and the government. All these people working for CNN are always telling us about what the government says about something then they go out on the streets and ask hard working citizens what they think about what the government says. So i think that politicians are good.I think that when a politician is not living up to their jobs, is when they are interviewing all these people. Then they take a side and agree with one group or the other.I think that politicians should just keep the opinion of both sides and to never judge one side of the other.
ReplyDeletemostly the united states goverment is not listening to the american people. The goverment needs to listen to the people. especially in the health care bill. I agree that we need top fix our healthcare bill but not so that the majority of the nation is screaming no and the bill barely passes with enough votes. the senators are right in thinking we need health care. they do have some good idea
ReplyDeleteI don't think that our government is acting like a government that is working for the people. The government seems like it is the people working for the government, not the other way around like it should be. The government seems like it is making choices that are not based on what the people want. Some of the politicians are listening to what the people want. Most of them aren't listening to the people. Like when they were creating the new health care bill, not very many people had a say. I think that if the government starts listening to what the people want, the issues that the US is faced with will seem easier. Like everything was in the 1920's, the economy was great ond people were happier and were not worried about the government, they just wanted to have fun.
ReplyDelete-Quinn Larimer
Prd 1 3/23/10
I think that the government does represent the people...but it typically represents those people who are of the same political party. There is a great need for bipartisan decision making. I also believe that as citizens of this country we need to express our opinions to our political leaders so they can represent us better.
ReplyDelete-Kate Larimer (Quinn's Mom)
I believe that our government does represent the people...but typically those people of the same political party who have majority rule. There is a great need for bipartisan decision making in our government. Also, I believe that it is the responsibility of all citizens to make an effort to inform their politicians of their opinions, views, and choices.
ReplyDelete- Kate Larimer (Quinn's Mom)
I think that the government is not working for the people and for what the people want, but only what the government thinks is the best for the people. A recent poll show that more than half the country is upset about the new health care bill and yet still congress is passing it. I think the people should get what they think is best for them.
ReplyDeleteI dont think the government is working for the people. They aren't listening to what we are saying. Even though they are the government and they are powerful it doesn't mean their always going to be right. They should hear what the people have to say because their decisions are going to effect us more that them.
I do not think that the government is working for the people. I believe the government is working for himself most of the time just to gain power. For example, the health care plan is forcing people to pay for other peoples' health which is allowing the government to have more power. Politicians are trying to help the people and sometimes the ideas are good, but sometimes these ideas only sound like good ideas, but really they only allow the government to gain power. Politicians are not living up to their roles of representing the US because they are not worrying about the whole country, but only the poor people. It is great for politicians to do this, but if the churches would do more about this the government wouldn't have to worry about it.
ReplyDeleteI think the government is not working for the people. They are mostly working for themselves only. Changes have been added to the Constitution, and some of them should not have been made.
ReplyDeleteThey haven't done what we want only what they want. They are serving themselves not us. They should be doing things to help not harm
ReplyDeleteI dont think that the government is working for the people. They dont listen to what the people want. They do what they want.The politicians are keeping the peace between us and them. I think that the politicians just agree with one side or the other.
The government, in my opinion, is not for themselves. When we say "the people of America" that included Obama, McCain, and myself. So often we make it seem like "government" isn't the people. I must admit the government gets a bad repuation but think about it. THey are doing all they know. Not many college students studying politics think "One day I'm going to do things just for me and not for my family, friends, and country" no they have thoughts to improve this country to the best of their ability. No one is perfect and being in the spotlight is hard. Politians do their best to serve this country. They aren't going to try to damage America. Their family, friends, and life are all in the USA. They don't wnat to ruin it. Poilitians try everyday to help themselves and their country. They are citizens so I don't understand the difference...WE ARE ALL PEOPLE OF AMERICA INCLUDING THE POLITITAN!!! :(
ReplyDeleteThe government is not acting like a government of the people, by the people, and for the people in this country. There are no politicians that are doing much for the interests of the United States and the people they represent. The politicians are never doing anything for anyone but themselves and support bills that support their interests that support their expensive campaigns.
ReplyDeleteI do not think the government is acting like a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The government seems to be working for themselves and passing bills because they can. For example, the health care bill gives the government more and more power. They passed it without knowing how much it really costs, which means we, the people, will probably be taxed more for it. I don't think they listen to the people.
ReplyDeleteMy answers:
ReplyDelete1.) No, because they don't listen to what the people want.
2.) The republicans and conservatives are doing everything they can to get this healthcare bill.
3.) They passed the healthcare bill wich was something the majority of the country didn't want, but even though we elected them, they still passed it.
My Dad's answers:
1.)no,because people were polled and 57% were against healthcare and 37% for healthcare but it still passed.
2.)by securing govt. money to do projects back in their home districts
3.)by accepting brebes, kickbacks, and special jobs and contracts.
-John Kendrick
No i don't think that the government is not working as a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Statistics show that more than 50% of the politicians on capatatal hill have bean bribed at one point or another in their political corer. To me that shows that they are not trying to help the country but to help them selves get up the political ladder.
ReplyDeleteWilliam Bell
I do not think the government is doing what the people want but only what the people whom create the laws for the people want. The government only care about what they need or what exspensive car to buy next.
ReplyDeletei think the government is worrieing to much about themselves instead of worrieing about us the people of America. they are just worrieing about the next exspensive car to buy next or forgeting to write their speech so they write it on their hand wondering if anyone noticed. but the government thinks to much of themseles not the country
ReplyDeleteliam virrill for one above
ReplyDeleteNo i do not think the govt. is working for the people. since the democrats came in they have passed the health bill which was against more than half the country. the economy is losing faith in Obama.
ReplyDeleteby sage the the two above
ReplyDeleteI think the govt. is not doing anything to help the people. Mostly they are only finding ways to save money and in return the percent rating of the job loss in America has gone over 3%. That is thousand of people losing their jobs who probably have to take care of a family. Also the goverment is almost about to pass a health care bill which in return would make life even harder. It is all for the goverment to save money.
ReplyDeleteMichael's answer is that the government is now creating more programs to increase their own power and they are not as concerned about working for the people. Health care is a great example where they are simply trying to expand their power.
ReplyDeletemy answer is that the government is working for all of there own needs. They do not care what the rest of the country feels. they all just want a ton of power to do what they want.
David Ballew
I think that we should acknowledge the fact that the U.S. Government is made up of many people, and they should not all be categorized under the same heading when each person has different thoughts. No matter where you go or what you do there will always be different types of people. In our government there are 2 basic groups. Today the largest group of people seam to be self-serving people. These are the officials who are only looking to get realected and will do whatever it takes to keep their postition. They are taking the easy way out and not making the hard choices to govern the people like they should be.They are thinking which one will make them look better and get more power. However there are some who really are in their positions to help people. These representatives would be the ones who show personal interest in the people and try to opperate based on what's best for whoever they are representing. One example of a good and bad thing is the Health Care Bill. In theory it is a great idea. Poor people being given health care sounds great and certainly looks good on a campaign sign however, there are some bad things that come with this bill. For example raising tax rates for people with more money to fund this plan. If we were to do that the people with more money would have less incentive to work, because they know that at the end of the month a portion of their money will be taken away.
ReplyDeleteNo, I do not think the government is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
ReplyDeleteThe United States politicians are working for the people by, having groups to oversee our safety like, the FDA, the CDC, etc. They are not living up to their role of representing the citzens by, overspending tax money and not living up to their promises.
Ryann and Barbara Farmer
No, Congress is ignoring the will of the people and allowing the government to take over our health care system. The polls show that the majority of the people are against the bill. The politicians are giving free health care to people who do not have it now. The politicians are also trying to make it affordable for people to borrow money and buy a house. Our representatives in Congress should vote on bills as their constituents want them to vote, and not how the legislators want to vote. The politicians are voting for the government to take over and control the citizens day to day life by taxing the wealthier citizens and providing free services to the poor citizens.
ReplyDeleteSarah and Bill Zschunke
In the current situatution of health care, the government isn't necessarily working for the people. I believe they are thinking more about themselves than thinking for us or about us. If you look at the latest polls taken more than 3/4's of the American's disagree with the bill. Does this show you that the American's want theis bill? NO. It completely disagrees with it. I do believe that the government is doing the right thing by changing health care. (Because I do believe it is necessary and the people want it) BUT I do not believe they are doing it in the right way. I realize that the government has slowly taken to a democratic govenment rather than a republican government founded by the founding fathers.
ReplyDelete-Kelsey Butler
March 26, 2010!
(7th grade, Civics)
i think that the government is wrong in not letting people do what they want. when they don't let people do what they want the world goes corrupt. They need to know that the people have rights too!
ReplyDeleteI don't think the govt. is listening to the people and they are doing things that half the people are against. like healthcare
ReplyDeleteryan wesley
I think that the govenment is wrong in not letting people do what they want. This is a free country and we should be able to do anything we want. and nees to keep the constitution
ReplyDeleteI think that the govenment is way to involved in the peoples lives. With the healthcare bill, people are forced to have something. The people have never been forced to do something that they don't want to before. I think that people in America should be able to make their own desiciond on what they want
ReplyDeleteNo our Govt is not acting like a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people." The Govt is getting way too involved with the lives of the people. For example, with the health care plan the Govt is too involved in trying to change. They are not living up to their roles of representing American citizens because although some people like what they do, they are too involved with what is going on. They are trying to almost force the citizens into doing something they disagree with.
ReplyDeleteMatt Olson
Per. 2
I don't think that the government is workin for the people. I think they are doing the things they do right now for themselves and not others. I think that the government passed the health care bill for themselves and they didn't listen to any of the people's opinions. Politicians are not working for the poeple like they should be. They need to understand how people feel and not be so selfish and do things for the people.
I dont think that the government is currently serving the people. On certain occations the government will do something for the the people but most of the time it is something they think is good or will make them look good but people dont have much of a say in anything anymore. Also the government might think there helping the people but it doesnt help in the lond run. The governmet doesnt live up to there rolls because they wont give people a say in anything and are making decision for the country that most of it may not want.