In Jon Krakauer's book Where Men Win Glory, Krakauer writes that in Muslim society "individual loyalty belongs foremost to the family and then- in rapidly descending order- to one's extended clan or tribe, one's ethnic group, and one's religious sect".
How are the loyalties of Muslim people different than those of the average American?
Are the priorities of Americans placed in different order?
What is missing in the Muslim hierarchy of loyalty that is common to many Americans?
in muslim society, their loyalty first goes to the elders of the family, like your mom or dad then the farther away you get from that, the less loyalty there is from you to them. Americans are loyal to anybody they feel deserves it, like mom, dad, grandma, grandpa etc. I think that the priorities of most Americans is in a different order than those of Muslims. Americans tend to put God first on sundays, but a handful of people dedicate every second of their lives to God. Muslims are very strict on their "god priorities". they will kill somebody if they dont accept allah as god.i think that their loyalty to themselves is what is missing compared to many americans, for instance, theyll just walk into a bulding with a bomb strapped to themselves if somebody tells them to, without thinking what the outcome is.
ReplyDelete-Sam Henrickson-
This statement is saying that a Muslim's family expects them to obey their commands and desires (probably to a certain extent). Also, Muslims are expected to remain loyal to their family because they raised them, taught them, and nurtured them. Americans' priorities are placed in a different order because we do not live as the Muslims do. I think that an average American individual's loyalty belongs foremost to the family, then friends, then teachers, then church or religion, and finally a team of some sort (sports, school, etc.). Obviously, the average American does not belong to a clan or tribe (maybe a gang though). The Muslim hierarchy of loyalty is missing loyalty to friends. This extension of loyalty is very common among Americans because we are a very socially gifted country. Also, some Muslims don't have time for friends because they are trying to please Allah with every action they can (maybe they think friends hinder them from pleasing Allah).
ReplyDelete-Justin Brendel
In the muslim society they have very different values than we do in our society. The males and the elders are much more respected than the others in the family. They are the ones who make the decisions for the rest of the people and if the other family members do not agree then they just have to deal with it. The women have little to no voice in the decision making for the family are not supposed to have any rights. This society is very different form the American society. The women in our country have just as many rights than the men and can voice their opinions and have all the freedom they want. They play a role in our politics and other jobs all across the country and are very well respected. Also in our culture, the families all decide things together in a group and think about things together. Some of the freedom and privacy we get in our country is almost unheard of in their culture.
ReplyDeleteThis quote is explaining the order of loyalties in a Muslim’s life. Their first loyalties go to their families, which are most likely the same in America. Next their loyalties are to their clan or tribe. The average American does not belong to a clan or tribe. The next on the list is an ethnic group. I don't believe that all Americans feel some sort of loyalty to someone just because of their ethnicity, but some do. After ethnicity is religion; I do think that Americans are more loyal to someone in their same religious group. They might feel more alike them and more loyal. What I think is missing from the Muslim culture, and is evident in American culture is friends and teams or colleges. Friends are very high on the list of American loyalties. Sports teams (including college teams) are very important to many Americans and most everyone is loyal to a certain team or the college they went to. American loyalties are very different than Muslim loyalties.
ReplyDeletecara grace hildebrand :)
this quote is trying to get at that americans are very different in values and in life styles. the muslim life is involved all around there religion. it effects their day and their life in many ways. americans are more involved around what is happening in their lives. muslim people are more strict in everyday kind of stuff.
ReplyDelete-harrison weller
America is caught up in every day society while Muslims are caught up in their religion. The Quote is explaining that America is different in every thing we do compared to Muslims. Muslims are not worried about what they look like but mostly on their religion. As we Americans are caught up in what we look like and how people judge us and we barely have time for God! Now Muslims may not believe in the same thing we do but at least they spend most of their day with their god. As for us we spend maybe five minutes.
ReplyDeleteThe Muslim culture is very diffrent from our culture. But alike in some ways too. They are very loyal to their familes. And americans are mostly like that to. But not as much to our ethnic group. They do not make up their own desisions. The people around them do. And they follow whatever they think Allah would think is best for them
ReplyDelete- Iman Kay Eaton!<3
American and Muslim lifestyles are very different. The Muslims are very caught up in their religion. They do not worry about other things as much as we do. Just like Americans they are very loyal to their families except in a different way then we are. Another difference is that their lives are much more focused around their religion. We are focused around what is going on in our lives. They spend much more of their day with God. We spend less then ten minutes with God throughout the entire day. You may not believe in what the Muslims believe in but you have to respect the fact that they take their religion very seriously.
ReplyDeleteKatie Kassis
The american lifestyle may be discovered as a different lifestyle for the muslims.In the muslims world the family comes first in all situations. The american style is and may look a little selfish for other strict countries. We certainly do not put our family first. This to me is worse for us americans than the muslims. However, can result in good and bad ways. Muslims do what told and have no opinion towards there authorities. They live life in a choosen world.
ReplyDelete-Mattheew Landry
The muslims think the American culture is different from theres. The family comes first no matter what happens in any case. The American culture is very strict compared to other countries like that. This can be bad and good in different ways. The Muslims have no say in life, just like a communist government. They have no say in their life and the women are even worse
I think loyalties, or the priorities of Americans and Muslims are for the most part a little different. In Muslim culture, family is first, followed by loyalty to their tribe and ethnic group. In America i feel like the average working person in a family (mostly men), truly want to work hard to receive as much money as possible for their family. But, now a days, people are unfortunately getting way too caught up in their jobs, that sometimes they dont have enough time for family obligations. This is going on more and more frequently. Also i feel that in the Muslim culture, they are missing work in their mierarchy of loyalty.
Most Americans are Christians, which is saying they have loyalty to a higher power. Muslims do not have loyalty to a higher power. They have loyalty to their close family, and to their close tribe. Most Americans however, have loyalty second most to their friends and church.
ReplyDeletewalker wood
I would say that in a way they are similar, but are mainly different. This order is not for all Americans, but I think that the average American might place themselves, their family, then others and their religion. I think that the way we have it and the way the Muslims have are both wrong. People should use the concept of JOY; otherwise known as Jesus, others,
~Sarah Marriott
muslims are not bad people in general. but the radical muslims are dumb and they fly planes into our buildings. they think that they should kill anyone who doesn't believe what they do. i think that that is wrong. most americans are not completely and totally radical about their religion. so i still don't understand why they are
ReplyDelete-Jake homme dog playa word swagga Johnston
ReplyDeleteKhAlEn pInKeTt(NeW fAvOrItE sTuDeNt)
For muslim people its all about family and religion. For them thats the way they've been taught to think, while Americans learn the me factor at a very young age. For american people our loyalty lies to our self first. In america instead having family first, followed by ethnicity, then religion is not how we classify our priorities. We start out with self, followed by family or money, then maybe ethnicity and religion. Whats missing from the muslims list that must americans have is money and loyalty to ourselves.
ReplyDeleteit is different for americans because we don't think we have to show loyalty unlike muslims. our order of priorities are in a different order, we would have our religous sector in front of ethnic group.
ReplyDeleteJonathan Thomas
In a Muslim society, the Muslims usually are most loyal to their families including the elderly people. A first thought might be how thats pretty unselfish because in America some people ditch their families or their family traditions and go out to serve themselves. Our priorities as Christians should be to put God first then others then yourself. But other non believers might be either putting others or themselves first. That's what the Muslims are missing, themselves. They are all about the elders and spreading their religion instead of themselves.
If the average American was a true believing Christian than the Muslim loyalties and the American loyalties would be pretty different. A Christian American tends to put God first and above all, then thinks about others wants and needs (family and friends), and then the wants of himself/herself. For Muslims they put family at the top which is really cool to care for your family in that way but they shouldn’t be first priority. God of course is missing from the hierarchy of the Muslims’ lives, but I also believe that hard work is too. As Americans, I feel like most of us value hard work, but nowhere in the Muslims loyalties does it mention hard work so that also makes the loyalties different. A non Christian American’s priorities would still be very different from that of a Muslim’s as well.
ReplyDelete-anna long,yayyy 4 springbreak!
their priorietis are weird because they dont care about nationalities. They mostly care about family. In america we are american first then religion then family. This is Bad because our religion should come first. Then Muslims left out nationality. If i was from Afganistan thai i would want to be known as an afgan.
ReplyDelete--Dane Peterson... The Norwegian
Muslim's seem to have some what different priorities than the average american person. In Muslim culture, their devotion is first to family, and then to ethnic group and religious sect. In America, there are some people who put family first, but most people are very self centered in America. There are many people that put jobs and making money far above family and religion. One thing that is missing in Muslim priorities is work. They put their families and religion above all else. They never seem to worry about having a good job.
ReplyDelete*Caroline Holliday*
I believe that muslims are uniquely different to Americans, but also alike in some ways. To muslims, family is their "loyalty" which most Americans can probably say for themselves also. But sad to say for some Americans, family isnt as important in terms of "loyalty" but more so friends. Some Americans put their friends higher in status than family. Considering in America there arent really any "clans" or "tribes" then its pretty safe to say that those arent very imporatant to any American. [Unless you count facebook groups, clubs,ect] Sad to say, ethnic groups or race is somewhat of a "loyalty". Usually the younger you are the less unaware of race you are but as one becomes older, race can sometimes matter. A person might go fo someone, or even something because of a common race or "ethnic group" as Krakauer calls it. In terms of religion, It is an imporantant things some who are "in" a religion. As a Christian I hope that one would have loyalty towards another. Not only that, but hopefully towards everyone to be a rolemodel and show God. But overall, Muslim's loyalties and Americans are different and no I dont think Americans have all of their priortities in the same order. We [not all] should'nt be selfish and be willing to help anyone and everyone out but no, thats not reality. Reality tells us, go for the person who is closest to you, or has the most in common with you. And that's one of the things that seperates us from Muslims i believe. They go by a set order. We as Americans go by what we are influenced by and usually are own judgement. Wheather that judgement is in fact good or bad is up to ourselves.
ReplyDelete~Jiniah Bliss.!!! <3
p.s- QUACK.! [ha...never gets old...well a little lol]
have a good spring break.! =)
Muslims and Americans are similar in that both value family as one, if not, their greatest loyalty. But in the list for the average American's loyalties, their country would probably be somewhere near the top. Americans are loyal to their family, religion, country, and then probably their ethnic group or something of the sort. Muslims do not seem to value their loyalty to their individual countries like Americans are loyal to America. Muslims also seem to mix up these loyalties. They are always doing things to please Allah and to follow their strict laws. Perhaps they are following their loyalties in different orders in regards to whatever situation they are in. Is a Muslim father going to oppose the law and prevent his daughter, a victim of rape, from being punished? Probably not.
ReplyDelete~Alice Fugate~ who did not follow the White Rabbit in this blogpost ;)
Muslims are very loyal to their families and they take the term family and turn it into their life. They honor family-time. I think Americans should do this, too. We are so wrapped up in our sports, school-work, and other activities that sometimes we don't sit down at the table and have a nice family dinner and enjoy each other's company. They also take their religion more seriously. You see Islam growing so much because Christianity is decreasing so much. Also Muslims take Islam more seriously. For example, they follow the 5 Pillars, most Americans don't follow the Ten Commandments. Muslims read the Qur'an more often than Americans read the Bible. That's my theory/opinion. I think America should change the order of their priorities. I think at the top of the list is $$$$MONEY$$$$$$ right now, when it should be God. At the bottom is religion. That is just the average American, not all people. Because I know MANY people at Whitefield would say that God is at the top. I think that is what is missing from the hierarchy of Muslims that is common to Americans; money.
ReplyDeleteFUN FACT!!!!:
30% of all Muslims in U.S are African Americans
25% of all Muslims in U.S are Arab descent
30% " " are South Central Asian Immigrants (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan)
5% " " are African Immigrants
i think that one of the things that is missing in the islamic hierchy is ourselves. In America we (most of the time) look and see if ourselves are ok before we go and help someone else. Helping others which is one of the many things we are called to do in the Bible sometimes comes in second to our better welfare. In america we have many idols that we worship school, money, celebrities and other occupations. muslims are devoted to their family first
ReplyDeletebennett shilling
An average American's priorities would consist of, in this order, family, country, sports teams, religions, ethnic groups, and colleges. this varies from the Muslim's loyalties because most American's are not a part of clans or tribes. Also, Muslims do not show loyalty toward their country as they do toward their religion. Muslims also do not show loyalty toward sports teams and colleges they attended. So, even though Muslims do value education, where they attended is not part of their identity as a person, as their religion would be.
ReplyDeleteMy mom agrees with me and my beliefs on this topic.
Grace Miller
An average American's loyalty goes in the order of family, country, religions, and friends. Their loyalty is different from the Muslims loyalties. The Muslims don't really show their loyalty towards the country with which they live in. Americans also don't really have tribes or clans like the Muslims do. Muslims do attend college but they don't show their loyalty towards the sports teams or the school.
I think there are many things different between Muslim and American families. First of all the priorities and loyalties are very different. I would say Muslim loyalties would be family, religion, and things along those lines. But, one thing that isn't one of their main priorities, but it is for Americans, is work. Americans are loyal to their families, friends, and religion, but mainly most Americans are very selfish. American's main loyalty would be making money and their job. Muslims also are very attached to their families, and if they "stray away" they will get punished. Also, they might not have enough time for friends, social groups, or things like that because they are trying to please Allah. Muslims also don't value their loyalty to their individual countries like some Americans are about America. Also, for Americans, we don't have to prove any loyalty like the Muslims do for Allah. this is how American's priorities are totally different than Muslims.
ReplyDelete~Kerry Anna Lemasters
I think that the typical american way of thinking is that a family holds you back when you are trying to be free. That is why so many people find their identity in their friends and not Jesus. This is a big problem because if you are really dependent on your friends and not those who really love you, your family and God, you tend to lose yourself on your walk with Jesus. In the Muslim society their family is first. This surprises me because i would have thought that they would have their fellow muslims number 1 on the list. I definitely think that our priorities our different. One of the major differences is the american concern with what other people think about them. Jesus is very absent in their hierarchy. He is totally absent from their lives and that is a very big issue. The american dream is almost the total opposite from the muslim society.
ReplyDelete-Frances (is so happy the varsity boys won yesterday!!!! that was great!!!!!!) Hamilton :)
First of all, I think Americans value often themselves over other people. Even though family is important to Americans, it seems in a lot of cases, we pursue our own individual wants. Grandparents live in nursing homes rather than at home with a family member. People move all over the country and world to pursue their individual dreams rather than try and stay near family. It seems like, at least in a lot of cases, families don't stay as close to each other once all the kids are grown up. We definitely don't have ties very much to our extended families - like cousins, etc. - I am very close to my family and my cousins on one side, but only see my other cousins once in a while. So as far as commitment to our "clan," I don't think Americans are particularly commitment to a certain religious "sect" either. I think that is pretty non-existent in most Americans. Americans are very individualistic, they pursue what they want for themselves. We value hard work, success, and pleasure. The priorities of Americans are definitely in a different order. Muslims don't have themselves (individually) in the hierarchy like we do.
ReplyDeleteI think both situations present problems. Being individualistic can mean that you are able to care for yourself, that you are strong in character and know who you are. Or it can mean that you are selfish and don't care for others at all. Being committed to your family can mean that you are giving and self-sacrificing. Or it can mean that you blindly follow the wrong path because your family does it. I think that as Americans we should think about how being so individualistic looks to Jesus. He cared about others ahead of himself. Thats what we should do.
without a doubt american values are diffrent muslim's. muslims are sappost to obey and respect their family; muslims arent to oriented with to love and respect their family is pretty much two opposite priorities for them. Americans although do put their family first, second would be religion, then sports, and friends.
ReplyDelete-mary hannah
i think that american's are first loyal to our country, then our religion, and then our family and all that stuff. muslims don't really consider themselves as an "iraqi" so they dont really reconize their loyaty to their country. our priorities are most deffinatly put in different order, because our religious view are totally different.
Most people in America care more about the religon to me. Muslims care mostly on the family and then their religon. Even though this would sound they are centered around the family they dont not treat ech other like we do
ReplyDeleteChristopher Dewberry
There different because muslims are loyal to their family foremost while Americans are loyal to everybody..The priorities aren't really different because some Americans more than most put family before everyboy else...i think their faith is missing out of the Muslim hierarchy.
ReplyDeleteEric Lockett
Muslims loyalty is mainly in their family, then in their tribe,ethnic group, and then their religon. I think the americans loyalties are mainly in their work and family beacuse most people work to provide for their family. Americans mainly are focued on their money more than anything.
ReplyDeleteAnn DuPre
Muslims are extremely loyal. They are firstly so to their family because their family raised and nurtured them. It was said in the quote that they pledge loyalty to religion last. These values are not exactly held up in this order in American culture. Couples are getting divorced at the first sign of trouble. Children are leaving home and severing all contact with the ones who raised them. The American culture places friends and world view over family and Christian values. In the Muslim world it seems that what others think and material objects are not on the list of priorities.This is a big factor in American culture.
ReplyDelete<3 <3 Sophie Kemether
p.s Have a great spring break Mr. Baker!!
In the muslim culture they are very loyal. they are mostly loyal to family (elders first). Muslims give the appearance of always being bad but not all of the muslim culture is bad. In America our values are a little off. we tend to put ourselves and our country before religion and trust. We ignore some of the important things in life to go with the easier way.
ReplyDelete-tinsley stokes
In Muslim culture, Muslims loyalty is held in the highest extreme. They would rather die than betray a loyalty. Muslims hold their family as coming first, then their religion. In America, money comes first, then power, then family and religion. America's priorities are very off compared to Islam's.
ReplyDelete-Brandon Chan
Muslims are very different from the average American. Most Americans are Christians, and are loyal to other things rather than their family and smaller "pods" of culture. Some of the things America is loyal to are good, and some are not quite so holy. Some of the positive ones are, Americans are loyal to their families, some their churches, and their friends. A few of the ones the ones to be less proud of are an average American is loyal to money and material possesions. If America was as loyal to their family as Muslims, I think things would be going much better than they are now.
ReplyDelete-David Lemasters
first and foremost, family is special to muslims. we are the same way. we love family, but sometimes when we are with our family to long, we get tired of them and we start to go with our friends.
ReplyDeleteBerto DRyden. didnt feel like putting my nickname.
Americans have very different opinions and values than Muslims. Even more so, Christains have very different opinions and values than Muslims. In the religion of Islam, there are many beliefs that they have that many christains and americans would find offensive. They have beliefs that are even viewed as wrong in the American culture. For example, the way that Muslim men view some of their woman as having no rights. They see them as people that are just there to serve the men of their country. To sum it all up, they see them as their own personal slaves. They never treat women with respect. They also strongly believe in terrorism and killing people to defend thier religion.
ReplyDeleteCassie Anne Clementi<3
to muslim people family is very important. they have about eight kids per family unlike us who as two-three per family. most americans seem to be more focused on there carreers more than carrying for their family or worrying about there religion and trying to spread it. Americans dont go around killing themsleves like the suiced bombers of alcida or any muslim terrorsit group.
There are many differences between american values. For and formost americans and muslams are both loyal first and formost to their familis. This sometimes differs with americans because many americnas who are religious have their loyalty place in there god or gods. Alos for the most part americans out their loyalty in thier leaders if only for a short time. Thoses are some of the differences.
ReplyDeleteBy: Henry Mills
Where Muslim and American loaylties lay are very different but can also be very similar. One way they are the same is Muslims and Americans both value families a lot. Families come first to them. Something that is not a similar that they cherish and stay loyal to is religion. Muslims are very loyal to their religion and devote their life to it. Not all Americans are so devoted to their religion. Americans tend to stay loyal to more materialistic things while Muslims tend to stay loyal to things like their religion a lot more
ReplyDelete-Dannygail Dean:)
Many Americans are loyal to different things in life. The Americans that love God, are loyal to their families, friends, the church, and non materialistic things. But the other Americans that do not love God are not very loyal. If they are, it is more likely that they will be loyal to materialistic items.
ReplyDeleteAveri Noosinow
AMericns are different than myuslims inthe way of how they run their family. a tipical muslim family would have about eight kids. ourfamilys would have about 2-3 kids per family. americans like to focus on other things such as their carreer or impression the country on tv but musliims focus on making Islam the dominate religion. Most americans dnt go around killing other people in a suicide attempt like some muslims do for their religion. thats not a typical american thing.
ReplyDeleteThe difference between americans and Muslims are that we are loyal not ust to our familys we are also loyal to our country all at the same time. I think yes because we are loyal to our family first and our country at the same time. Then goes our friends. They are loyal to their culture and religion. Thay do the five pillars of faith for their loyalty. - Caitlin
ReplyDeleteRegular american priorities are usaully to go to college and get a stable job. Muslims are very decisive people. They want to take control of america and make it into their way. I believe christians should be more strong willed. We fail, give up, and quit. No amtter what happens we have to keep fighting or we will fall to the muslims