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Sunday, March 21, 2010

World Cultures Question #11

Micah 6:8 : He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

What does it mean to "love mercy"?

What are some practical examples from life of loving mercy?


  1. Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. Maybe to love mercy is to show mercy in a loving way. For example, you can show mercy and be humbled by it. In this case, the prophet Micah is pointing out the principles of the covenantal relationship with God. Meaning if we take care of others, God will take care of us. It is similar to Jesus commanding to love our neighbors as ourselves and to show forgiveness and understanding.

  2. He means he wants you to be willing to be merciful towards others. Some examples in life are mlk jr. he loved mercy when he was beaten and discriminated against. Instead of judging and having hate towards those people he was focused on the country making a effort to move forward. Or, Jesus could be an example. Even when He was being put on the cross he said, " Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing. And they divided up HIs clothes by casting lots."(Luke 23:34) If you were dying probably the most gruesome death possible I don't think that you would start forgiving the people who are doing it to you. That is why Jesus is the greatest example of loving mercy.

  3. To love mercy is when you are in a situation and you get in trouble but who ever was going to punish you says I will let you slide on this one. If you get happy which you should that is loving mercy. because you are happy that you didn't get in trouble so that is lovin mercy. And that was my example.

  4. Noah D (MW2 master)March 22, 2010 at 8:25 PM

    For me "love mercy" means that although that person is thinking of himself and its all about him we should still help him out and pray for him. It also means that we need to hang out with him and hopefully he will learn that its not all about him. Loving mercy can also mean that you give mercy to friends who don't always follow through their promises. An example would be that if a friend doesn't follow through with a promise and he says he is sorry then you would forgive him wouldn't you?

  5. My definition of mercy is undeserved favor in a time of punishment. To "love mercy" means to realize the mercy that God shows us and, in turn, be merciful to all of the people around you. When we show mercy, we should have a good attitude and give out of our hearts. One example of loving mercy is forgiving someone for something that they did wrong. Also, being nice to somebody that you don't necessarily like or appreciate is a practical example from life of loving mercy.
    -Justin Brendel

  6. To love mercy means that you have to show kindness and compassion to people with a loving heart. Weather you want to or not. Remember God is always watching you and he knows if your making good choices. Just like the verse that says love your enemies. All they are saying is show kindness(love mercy). Some examples from my life is when someone does something wrong I try not to give that person a hard time about it. I try to show kindness and say good job you tried your best.


  7. Loving mercy is when your willing to show mercy for a person. Though it is hard, you give one a second chance. Some everyday examples of loving mercy would be if a person were to hurt you or anything and you had the chance to retaliate you are the bigger person, especially if you are faced with the oppourtunity to embarass them or anything like that. I believe that we are faced with everyday situations where God wants to see if we will "love mercy" and forgive that person.
    ...Thats all I have to say,

    - Jiniah Bliss.! =) <3

  8. Mery's definition states, compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power; compassion, pity, or benevolence(dictionary.com). The verse shown is talking about how you should always be humble and justice, and love with mercy. To love with mercy is to give grace in love with one another. Try to look over mistakes or regrets of a person and just show them forgiveness. An example would be if your friend hurt your feelings show them mercy and try to forget about it, and maybe could things will happen later on. Applying this to our lives will create us to walk humble in our future
    -Matt Landry

  9. I think that to love mercy means that no matter what happens you love to show mercy to thoughs around you. You unconditionaly love to show mercy and forgiveness to others. The verse is saying that we should want to to show mercy and forgiveness. It should not be something we have to do, but something we love to do. An example of loving mercy in our everyday lives is if someone does something wrong to you, you immedielty want to extend mercy to them and show them God's amazing forgiveness through your actions.
    *Caroline Holliday*

  10. SARAH MARRIOTT!!! :)March 23, 2010 at 8:21 PM

    Loving mercy is when you show someone who has wronged you mercy and you forgive them.
    An example of this would be the quote “forgive and forget”. This is loving mercy because instead of trying to take revenge you just forgive them and move on. Another example of loving mercy is how God shows us mercy and sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins.

    ~Sarah Marriott :D

  11. I think loving mercy is teaching yourself to kind, forgiving and compassionate to everything and everyone even though thats not what your sinfull nature tells you to do.And when you do show mercy to someone it shouldn't be forced and should be by your own will. Not only should it be chosen by yourself but you should love to do, and when when someone ofends you in anyway the first thing you should want to do is show God's mercy through you.

    Cara Grace Hildebrand :)

  12. showing loving mercy is when you show someone love when they dont deserve it. for an example, someone hurts your best friend and you let it go and show that person. Jesus did the same thing. he showed us loving mercy and we dont deserve it. after all the terrible things that we do, he still forgives, forgets, and love.


  13. ***Sophie Kemether***March 24, 2010 at 6:55 PM

    Mercy is showing some one forgiveness when they do not deserve it, just as god has shown us with the whole jesus dying on the cross thing.So i think loving mercy is when you not only forgive, forget, and then leave but when you continue to love that person and show them God's love. A practical every day example would be if you got in a fight with a friend and she was totally wrong, but you swallowed your pride and said you were sorry, then you did not desert her but kept on being her friend and showing her the love of Jesus christ
    the totally grounded and bruised in the face..... Sophie Kemether

  14. loving mercy means you should forgive the person but keep loving them as jesus would do. parctical examples of this would be like someone wronging you, you forgiving them, and then live almost as it never happened.

    Jonathan Thomas

  15. Mercy is showing forgiveness to someone who doesn't deserve it and wipe the slate clean. So when the Bible says to love mercy it means to love forgiving people when they don't deserve it. To love mercy is to love being a better person and being compassionate. Some examples of loving mercy is when a waiter has a lot of tables and is taking a lot of tie to bring out your food maybe compassionate and understanding about it instead of getting really mad giving them a really bad tip. Also, in car a accident that is someone else fault maybe just get there info and move on with your life instead of suing that person.

  16. I think that loving mercy means that you are to love forgiving others, and that you do not hold grudges or forgive unwillingly. You think the best of that person or group of people and love them. Even though they hurt you, you move on and don't continue to be mad at that person. God is an amazing example of loving mercy. he loves us unconditionally. he loves us so much, we can't even begin to comprehend it. so, when we turn our back on him and disobey, he still loves us no matter what. But, in a real life situation an example of loving mercy would friends. When you are really good friends with someone, it feels like you can't do them wrong sometimes. They always are understanding and forgiving. sometimes you wonder how they dont hate you, but they are always loving and forgiving. not all friends are that way unfortunately, but really good friends can be.

    Grace Miller

  17. my mom agrees w/ me!!!!!!!


  18. this means if you do something you know you should get in trouble for, but the person that should punish you lets you off easy, and you don't get in any trouble. If you turned in a big project late, but the teacher recognizes that you don't do this often, and the teacher doesn't take off any points, and you are grateful. that is loving mercy. my mom agrees.

    Walker Wood

  19. To love mercifully means to forgive someone out of the kindness of your heart even if they do or do not deserve it. Personally, I do not like getting mad at people and can forgive people very easily but in a couple of cases it has been hard for me to let go of my own problems, try to consider things from others point of view, and then forgive them. It is sometimes just hard to let go of our anger but if we keep it inside of us then eventually it could take over our lives and lead to some dangerous consequences. In the bible God tells us to” love mercifully” and love is not always a happy emotion. Sometimes we can get angry at the ones we love but if we really love them then we should be merciful toward them and forget about our childish problems. It is something that everyone struggles with and we could all use a reminder of its importance.

  20. I think that love mercy is having mercy on people and loving and striving to do so. i think that to have love mercy you shouldnt only just have mercy on people because you know that you have to have mercy on them and that you have to please God, but you actually want to have mercy, because it is good. this verse is saying that we need to love to have mercy and to forgive everyone. An example of love mercy in our real lives today is if somebody wrongs us we, if we had love mercy, would just instantlly or mabye after a little while it depends just wanted to have mercy on them, for our own reasons. Also if we had mercy on someone we would do it in a good spirit, not grumpily because we had to.
    *Stephen Bracher*

  21. I read in a devotional book about pity and mercy last summer(title shown below), and it said that pity is when one consider things from someone else's point of view. Mercy, it said, is when one gives that person the second chance they don't deserve, despite all of their shortcomings. This is similar to what Jesus did for us: he had mercy on us. To love mercy then means that followers of Christ should yearn to be like Jesus. They should want to imitate him and to love what Jesus loves. It also relates to the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". No one wants to be judged or treated as badly as they have treated others. Pity and mercy helps people to love others by extending the grace of God to others. An example of loving mercy could be when someone is always picking on someone else, bullying them, and beating them up. And when the right time comes for that victim of bullying to fire back and give his bully a taste of his own medicine, he does not do it. The victim considers how life might be like for that person, pitying him, and then having mercy on him by not saying something cruel to him at the opportune moment. The victim would be imitating Jesus. And if he did strike back, he would be no better than the bully was to him in the first place, would he?

    ~Alice Fugate~ (the book is by Sarah Arthur and is called "Walking with Bilbo"...yes I love "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit") :)

  22. I think that "love mercy" is when you unconditionally love someone. This is what God does for us. I think that an everyday example of this is when someone makes you really mad but you forgive them and love them anyway even though they have done wrong.
    *Ann DuPre

  23. Mercy is to have compassion so love mercy could be willingly giving someone a break. Not give mercy with an ill spirit, but do it because you love them. Friends backstab, betray and hurt each other all the time. A friend is always there for you and would never let you down. But lets say one day on a rare occasion, they do. You might over hear them trash talking you. Once they know your hurt, they realize what they've done and apologize. You then have the opportunity to never be their friend again or do to them what they did to you. Instead you love mercy. You forgive and forget.
    -Hannah Hill
    March 25, My B-DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I think mercy is having forgivness. Love mercy is forgiving love. The Bible says to give forgiving love to everybody. To love someone forgivingly is to love someone unconditionally.
    Brandon Chan

  25. It means to love forgivness. Also we need to love those who show forgivness. i mean we should love everyone. Some examples are when jesus loved the merciful. I cant really remember any times in modern history where ths happened.

  26. When one loves mercy, they love those who show mercy and forgive, and support them. It is also to praise one when they show mercy to one another, and forgive and show mercy if they don't. If one forgives another when a horrible crime is commited, that is mercy and you need to love that person and respect that person. That is why Jesus asks us to love mercy, in order to encourage it.
    -David Lemasters

  27. In my opinion having mercy means to have forginness. To have love mercy means to forgive the person and show love towards them. An example is when you show mercy to someone who was mean to you for no reason. You can either hold a gruge or forgive them.

    -Katie Kassis

  28. Mercy is something that we all assume that we have. We think that because we don't take something when we could, or because we are "nice", that we are merciful. However, loving mercy goes beyond these things. When you love mercy, it means that you strive in all you do to help others, not because you feel like you will get something or because you have to, but because you love to do it. Mercy involves giving out something that the receiver doesn't deserve. The kind of mercy and love that God shows us is even greater than an instance where we give ants a home, they misuse it, and yet you love them non the less and are willing to die for them. Something like that is unimaginable to us, but as God has told us, we have to rely on Christ to help us in our quest to strive to be holy like God.

    Micah Owens

  29. Carter H. (better than noah d. MW2 master)
    For me, "love mercy" means no matter what happens, you give mercy. You should think of mercy as your best friend, and love mercy. I think that means to use mercy, instead of having a grudge and never forgiving the person. If sombody steals somthing from me, i would get it back, abnd give them "mercy". I wouldn't steal somthing right back from them because that is hating mercy, and not using it. Love mercy and give mercy in all the right situations. It makes you do the right thing. =)

  30. I think to love mercy means that you have to be merciful towards others and show kindness and compasion as well. You have to love and show mercy, no matter what. Everyday, you show these actions towards other people and you sometimes don't even know it. You never know what kind of situations life is going to throw at you, but no matter what you should always try to make the best of every situation and put a positive, loving and helping attitude towards everything. Sometimes in life, you come across a situation where you are put in a position where you can either make the worst of it by not caring, loving or showing compasion or you can do the opisite and put on the best attitude possible.

    <3 Cassie <3

  31. love mercy means that you have to be mercyful towards people and just everything. You must love everyone even your neighbors. With your girlfriend you must show them mercy and love and if you dont its gonna really cuck for you. and that is a good example of love and showing mercy in you everyday life.

    -Niick Russell

  32. This scripture is very important because it takes on alot meaning about God's power. To love mercy means to show happiness and compassion. But we aren't very good at this because we're not humbled. But in everybody's life they are once humbled and their arrogance is shown and broken. God meant a lot of things in this scripture and my comprehension of it is that even know you may recieve a lot of presents in your life but don't take it for granted. For example Haiti, many people died and we get upset about not getting what we want.

  33. The definition of mercy is: compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power; compassion, pity, or benevolence. So to love mercy must mean to show mercy to everyone, to show kindness even when we want to hate. To be a beacon of God's love to all who need it, and even to those who don't. And even to be humble when the devil says to be arrogant. God is; obviously :); a great example of mercy. He gives us second chances when we really do not deserve any. A big example is what everyone has done for Haiti, giving them food, medical help, and prayer has helped those people so much. Missions going to third world countries show mercy to the people who need it the most. But most of the time we take the mercy that God gives us for granted. we whine and complain when something does not go the way we want, or when we don't get what we want. So we need to eat some humble pie when we get arrogant, and show mercy to christians and non-christians alike.

  34. i think "love mercy" is one of the reasons why God is so good. He combines unconditional love and an unbelieveable amount of mercy throughout are whole lives.He loves us so much that he gave His own son for us. His love can't possibly get any greater. Also, He shows ALOT ALOT ALOT of mercy. Mercy is when someone forgives you for something that you should of been punished for. God does this thousands of times a day! We are huge sinners, and thankfully God is a loving God and he forgives us every time we sin! Thank the lord! God is "love mercy" combined! :P

  35. God shows us mercy by being forgiving and showing us grace. To love mercy must mean to show everyone mercy. It must mean to show everyone grace even when you think they don't really deserve it or are really angry with them. This is because it shows how much you love God and love how he gave us mercy. You can love God by doing as he would do and he shows everyone mercy all the time so we should too.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I think to love mercy is to treat everyone you meet with mercy and respect.Even the person who stole your books you must forgive them,because if you dont you will always stay mad at them.God commands us in the Bible to treat others how we would want to be treated and to love them.We have to be merciful to others like God is to us every day.

  38. Some examples of mercy are to forgive others who don’t respect you. Another example of mercy is to love those who persecute you like those who make fun of you. God even shows mercy to us by letting us wake up every morning with something to eat every day.+Dewberry+

  39. I think loving mersy is when you shown kidness to someone who has wronged you. You show them mercy. Like your not going to call them on it or be mad at them for it. you love that person so you express grace towards them. grace that no on edeserves. That's kinda wat God does with us. He loves us no maater wat and he shows us mercy. If God wanted to he would just kill us all now bu the is a loving forgiving gracious God. who accepts us for no matter wat we have done or will do in our lives.
    ImAn KaY EaToN!!!!!

  40. loving mercy is when you show mercy to anyone,no matter how many times they have wronged you. an example of this is when Jesus was killed, but he didnt punish the people or call his angels to save him.
    - Sam Henrickson

  41. Loving mercy, uhmmm well I guess its where no matter how mean someone is to you, whomever it is you still show compassion and love towards them. It is also being less prideful, because when you are kind towards someone who is hateful towards you, you have to be the bigger person. God shows us mercy every day in our lives when we sin against him so I guess that’s the biggest example of perfect, loving mercy. But also treating someone with kindness when he/she has wronged you in the past is a good example. We definitely have to be humbled before achieving "loving mercy" though; it takes knowing God’s love first, to mirror it towards others.
    -anna l.

  42. mercy is when you give grace to someone at an undeserved time. like the saying "have mercy" it means even though i did this wrong deed, forgive me, let me make up for it. God always has mercy on us, we all sin, everyday, and every second of the day and he forgives us. he lets us repent for the commandment we have broken. now the question of what is "love mercy": in my opinion this question could go two ways as in what is it to love mercy or what is an act of loving mercy. so i'll give a definition of both. well we should all love mercy, so thats pretty literal, "love mercy" means to love mercy. now, an act of "love mercy" is an act of mercy that someone does out of love. we have a great God, and he gives us acts of love mercy everyday, since we decieve him 24/7, so in this act us letting us repent, and in the act of love mercy he teaches us to actually love the fact that he gives us mercy.
    -mary hannah skelton

  43. To love mercy, in my eyes, means to be grateful for God's mercy, because we know we have knoiw right to have it. It's almost like being grateful for our lives. We all know we take it for granted instead of thinking the Lord that we wake up every morning, because many people don't. We should be the same way with His mercy. The least we can do is thank Him for showing us He truly loves us. The easiest ways to show that we appreciate it, is to treat others with the mercy He shows us. We should treat everyone with the same compassion He gives us. Of course, this might not be easy, but niether was dying on the cross. To think anything is harder than that would be a disgrace to the intelligence of God's creation.

    -Braelen P.

  44. i think to love mercy means to love the fact that, even when we do things that displease him, he still gives us mercy. I think a lot of times people take that for granite that God is so so merciful. We are so undeserving of everything he gives us. We should be so thankful for every breath we breathe. an example is exactly what we have been talking about in class. In the Bible when the Israelites are scared to go into Canaan and receive the land that God has given them, God could have killed them all, but he showed mercy on them and simply punished them for 40 years. I know that that isn't a lot of mercy but after the 40 years of wandering they still were allowed to go and claim the land as there own. God is such a merciful God and i do not think we even fully understand the depth of his mercy.

  45. Love and mercy is alot like grace. its when you do something bad and people let it slide. the best example of this is God's grace. he shows love and mercy to the world every day. we are the most sinful things on Earth and still every day God takes pity on us and shows his love and mercy.
    Alex Manning-the rock

  46. i think that mercy is when you give someone impathy or grace. everyone should want to give people mercy becasue God gave us mercy. to love mercy means to love to give someone mercy. we should always want to love mercy becasue we all need it. we should be merciful and gracious no matter what the sitiuation. Sometimes in life its hard to be merciful to others becasue of what they have done in the past. Mercy is undeserved, we should give people mercy anyway.
    ~Kerry Anna Lemasters~

  47. I think loving mercy means to always show it. To me, "love mercy" means if someone does something to you, you will show them mercy, because you love it. It means that you should, and will always show mercy in everything you do.

  48. To love mercy means to be grateful for what mercy is given. Even though we might not get everything that we want, God wants us to be humble with what he gives us.

    Averi Noosinow

  49. By love mercy it means to love to give mercy to people. It means not to do it just cuz...it means to do it because u want to. Like I can love being forgive=ing or merciful. If someone does me wrong then i need to show mercy and forgive. not try to get revenge.
