In Lee Harris' book The Suicide of Reason the writer says the following:
The West (Western Europe, America, etc.) is eliminating the alpha males from our midst, and at a dizzyingly accelerating rate. But in Muslim societies, the alpha male is still alive and well. While we in America are drugging our alpha boys with Ritalin, the Muslims are doing everything in their power to encourage their alpha boys to be tough, aggressive, and ruthless. We are proud if our sons get into a good college; they are proud if their sons die as martyrs. To rid your society of high-testosterone alpha males may bring peace and quiet; but if you have an enemy that is building up an army of alpha boys to hate you fanatically and who have vowed to destroy you, you will be committing suicide.
Discuss the quote with a parent and then answer the following questions...
In what ways is the quote true? In what ways is the quote false?
Do you and your parent agree? Why or why not?