1 Timothy 2:9 "Likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire."
Deuteronomy 22:5 “A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God."
1 Peter 3:3 "Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear."
Does time change the meaning or application of Scripture?
What is God "getting at" with these verses?
In a way,I think it does. People get their hair all the time. So unless scripture is talking metaphorically, I dont really understand how or why the braiding of hair can be bad.Today's culture and society had changed so much.You see men, and women "cross dressing". This is a great question, because this is a major problem in public and some private schools. People say that "cross dressing" expresses your style or indivuduality. But it is shameful to God. Women should conduct and dress like young women and men the same. God is saying in scripture that he gave us our bodies, and even though people think that they own their bodies. Its only the "rental" God gave us to reside in for our time on earth. Those scriptures are almost the rules God has given us.So Gos wants us to take care of our "temples" that hes blessed us with. Weather we do or not is up to us.
ReplyDelete-Jiniah Bliss
-First one to comment
-4:11 AM =) hehehe
Time can change in very few ways the application of Scriptures, but not the meaning. Cultures and customs are different now; therefore it is not wrong for someone today to braid their hair, as it says in the verses above. Back then, I assume that braids were scandalous and those who wore their hair like that were looked down upon. But in today's society, these verses still mean what they always have meant. That being said, they are telling and warning people to be modest. God tells us in these verses that women (and men) should not dress inappropiately or scandalously. For example, super short skirts, really low shirts, extremely tight dresses, and revealing bikinis are not modest clothing. It is not pleasing to God when women (or men) wear that type of clothing because He did not make us to show off our bodies to other people. Cross dressing is also not pleasing to the Lord. And besides that it's just not right, disgusting, and shameful. God wants us to respect Him, others, and ourselves by dressing modestly. Our bodies are His temples, as Jiniah pointed out, and we want to remain healthy and pleasing in the sight of God, no matter how "in" it is to dress in a certian way. He ultimately wants us to dress our hearts in ways that are steadfast and holy in His sight. Putting on the Armor of God and by the Fruits of the Spirit being revealed in our lives are ways that we sould dress our hearts. We must take care of His temples and keep them clean and modest on the inside and the outside.
ReplyDeleteI think that God's word is always true and the meaning of it NEVER changes. I think that back in Bible times women dressed much more modestly than they do know, so apparently they were not supposed to have their hair braided. But know our world is changing and we do not see it as bad to braid your hair or wear certain jewelry. Even though the way women and men are dressing now is very different from the way people used to dress the same meaning of the scriptures still apply. God wants us to dress modestly. In the Bible verses we may think it is strange that God would say that women are not allowed to have their hair braided, but He is basically telling everyone that we are supposed to dress modestly. Our bodies are God's temples and we do not need to degrade them in any way, including the way we dress. Also, God says that a woman should not dress like a man and a man should not dress like a woman. So that would also be considered degrading our bodies because God has made us the way we are for a reason and we are supposed to dress modestly as a woman if you are a woman and a man if you are a man. Basically God is telling us to dress modestly and treat our bodies as his temple. -caroline holliday
ReplyDeleteI don't think that time changes the meaning or application of scripture. God says that the Bible is truth and truth is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. However I do think that time can make "the truth" more challenging to accomplish. Also, there are some passages that apply more to the culture and ways of life in "Bible times" than today.
ReplyDeleteThese verses are telling us that we should focus on what is on the inside (our character) rather than what we wear on the outside. Also, I don't think that God is telling us that people can't wear jewelry and braid hair (etc.), that just shouldn't be our priority. People should stop worrying about what other people think about them, and start worrying about what God thinks of them. In other words, there is no point to take time away from God to worry about your outward appearance.
-Justin Brendel
I don't think that times change for scripture. Times change in the way that people apply it. When God talks about in 1st Timothy 2:9 he means for ladies don't dress or be what we call today a "slut" someone who shows off there body just for no reason. In what He said Duteromony is what i precive as being gay. The point is that just because the bible is spoken differently, it just means we must interpret it to our language or culture.
ReplyDeleteNo, I dont believe that time changes the meanings of the verses. It means the same thing its just written towards someone back in that time period where apperently braided hair was not appropriate, but I assume that people back in the oldin days[ :) ] dressed a lot more modestly. Also the verses mention not to wear gold pearls or costly attire I'm guessing this means that if you are wealthy not to show off that you have expensive gold or pearls. One other thing that the verses mention is cross dressing which I did not know that people crossed dressed in bible times but clearly they did which of course in God's sight is an abomination. In a nut shell[i love that saying :)] What these verses are trying to "get at" is to dress modistly and to be pure on the inside and out.
ReplyDeleteCARA GRACE HILDEBRAND uhh my name is soo long
DEAR MR BAKER!!!!!!!!!(exciting all caps right)
ReplyDeleteI think that time does not change scripture at all, it merely fudges the edges. When such fudging occurs it makes it unclear weather God really minds if you wear braids or not. I think when God talkes about these specific "rules" he means them symbolicly, like i did some looking around on the internet and found that braids ,in bible times, symbolised prostitution. But on the other hand Sampson wore his long hair in braids. I think that i will not be striked down if i wear my hair in braids or i wear a pearl neckalace or i wear my dads oversized t-shirt too bed. I believe that God really cares about the intentions of wearing such clothing. Like if someone crossed dress the intentioins are wronge(wanting to be the opposite of what God made you) but if i occationaly wear my older brothers/ dads oversized t-shirt to bed it is fine because my intentions are not sinful. Same goes for jewelry and hair braiding.
wow that took forever 2 write,
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI think that God means that we shouldn't worry about what we look like on the outside, and "worry" about what we are like on the inside. That we should look at what people's character and personality are instead of their apperance. I think that if we applied these verses to present day life, parts of them might have to be tweaked a little. Like when it talks about "a woman shall not wear a man's garments" would be changed a little because now days, women wear pants and suits all of which men have always worn. They also say that we should wear respectable clothing, and currently, you don't really see that. Poeple (girls) wear low cut tops, short shorts and skirts, and tight jeans and shirts. I think that modesty is OK, but don't like wear a turtleneck in the summer because you're afraid of your collarbone showing. That's taking modesty to an extreme. The scripture also says that having braided hair and wearing gold jewlry is sinfull. Personally, I don't think that doing that is sinfull. But aparently it was back when it was written, but in the present day it doesn't really apply.
ReplyDelete~~Sydney Flemmer~~ :)
I think that the meaning of this is pretty much saying tthat you shouldn't worry about what you look like on the outside because it is what is on the inside that counts. I think that the verses were trying to say that you don't have to make yourself look better to show who you really are. I think that time has deffinitly changed these perspectives. If you look back on the past 200 years, you can see that it went from girls that wore really long skirts back in the 1800's to now where a lot of girls are wearing really short shorts and tight tops. Also, when it says that a women should not wear mens clothes, women already kind of do that because when you look back in time the only clothes that women were allowed to wear were skirts and dresses and now in this current time period, girls are wearing pants and shorts.
ReplyDelete<3 ~~~ Cassie Anne ~~~ <3
I don't know what to say to this b/c at one point i think that it is ok to braid your hair and wear gold jewelery but on another level it is the bible. That makes it absolutly 100% true and nothing less. Even though i might not agree with everything in these verses for today since God knows everything everwhere anytime it definatly goes for today. I think God is getting at exacly what is said. Every word in the Bible was ment to be exactly what it is. There are no mistakes.
ReplyDelete----frances hamilton
I think that time doesn't change the meaning of scripture. The bible was and always will be the truth. It will always have the same verses and meanings that its had for thousands of years. With saying this, I also believe that the bible can be interpreted in many different ways. It all depends on the person. One verse could apply to one person's problem, while the same verse could apply to a totally different person and in a totally different way.
ReplyDeleteIn these verses, God is getting across a subject that it very hard to follow. It has to do with only worrying about what one has on the inside (character), rather that worrying about what they are wearing or changing about themselves. Now this is a HUGE problem in our society... especially for people around our age. We go everyday wanting to make sure we have the best clothes, shoes, jewelry, hair, etc. but in reality, all God only cares about the exact opposite. He cares only about how we carry ourselves and how we practice our character. To sum it up we have an extremely big choice in our lives concerning this topic: Do we follow God, or do we follow what the world wants us to do?
~Elaine Sharitz~
I don't think scripture i suppose to change because the times are changing. But I do think things are different then they were thousands of years ago. The scripture still applies, but our culture is totally different now, so what was accepted back then may not be accepted right now, and vice versa. For example, back then they could have more than one wife, and now women can wear more of their type of clothing. The scripture doesn't change but our culture is so much different then when this was written. That was thousands of years ago and a whole different part of the world but the universal idea still applies. I think what God is getting at with these verses is women shouldn't be concerned in how they look on the outside, its what they are like on the inside. Also i think it's implying that women need to dress modestly.
ReplyDeleteScripture is not supposed to change no matter what. God said it and God cannot be changed. God is saying like don't abuse your body with inappropriate clothing because God gave you that body and it is like a temple so don't make it look bad with horrible clothing. Also don't try and look terrible just to make yourself look bad, it's bad enough that you would buy stuff that would make you look bad and the last thing to do is actually think about wearing it and then wear it!
ReplyDeleteTime will never change the meaning or value of scripture. I think these verses are metaphors more than specifics to follow. These verses I think refer to dressing appropriately and not caring about the outward appearance but more of what the inside looks like. The world views the outward appearance to be top priority. As it is magazines like to publish movie stars looking like rag dolls and wearing bummy (I dont know if that's a word) clothes as if they committed a murder. Everytime you walk out the door you have to be in check with what "everyone is wearing". Which is weird because people get made fun of for not wearing the right clothes all the time but when a girl wears guy clothes and a guy wears girl clothes everything is OK. Society has changed the meaning of these verses not time.
ReplyDelete-anna long
3(technically 4 i guess)more days till HALLOWEEN!!!! :P teehee
I think that times cannot change scripture no matter what. I think what god is not saying you can’t have braids in your hair or wear jewelry. I think that he is saying to be modest and not to care so much about what you look like on the outside. That you do not need to caught up in the way others dress. God will not love you more if you wear a fancy hair due or expensive jewelry all that matters is how you carry yourself9your character). I think basically what the verses are saying is that I doesn’t matter whats on the outside it the inside that counts.
ReplyDelete~Ann DuPre
I think that in a way the tims can kind of change scripture because when those verses were written the women must have dressed differently because I dont believe that it is wrong for women to braid their hair or wear certain jewelry. I think tha Gods main point in those verses is just that men and women need to dress correctly and modestly. The thing about cross dressing I think that it is not appropriate and should should not be accepted or done any because it isnt really being immodest but it is disrespectful in a way. Girl clothes are meant for girls and guy clothes are meant for guys not the other way around. -stephen bracher
ReplyDeleteI don't think that scripture is supposed to change as time does. I believe that maybe the words do but not the meaning of them. I do believe though that it is not wrong for women to braid their hair or wear jewelry but it is wrong for people to like them just because of that. God says people should be liked because of their personality. I think God is saying that we should wear clothes that are modest and not revealing and if you are a man you should wear clothes a man wears and if you are a woman you should wear ladylike clothes.
ReplyDeleteI think God is saying that he created us in a special way so that means that we should dress and do the things the wway he made us.
ReplyDeleteI think God is getting at that people should dress modestly.Scripture is not suposed to change. But the meanings change to others. Women should ot over expose themselves. And that people should not cross dress. that women should dresss like women. and men should dress lke men.
ReplyDeleteI think us as humans change the scripture to fit our own believes. But actually staying true to the Bible is somewhat different because the African-American does naturally their hair because ancestry and we don’t think anything of it. Lately over the past century gayness has become more natural and more out there because people have become more okay with it. But I don’t like gay people personally, and stay away from them, but I try not to look at them as bad people. Bottom-line is we have changed the way we look at scriptures, but not in a bad way, homosexuality has changed America and many other countries. We probably couldn’t change back because of how people reacted and how people are becoming used to it. Us as Christians haven’t tried to stop this, so it will continue
ReplyDeleteTo me, I think it does change the meaning at times. I mean throughout time the world God has created has changed to a great extent. The culture of the world we live in has changed along with the way we look at scripture. Although if you look at this in a different way, such as being homosexual, then this is most definitely an abomination to the Lord. I don’t think it is as bad if you’re doing it for a joke, but if you make it your lifestyle that would be against scripture. So overall, the way Christians look at scripture has changed. Back then, I think they focus more on works and thinking of scripture as rules, but now we focus more on our relationship with the Lord, making it more spiritual.
ReplyDelete-Braelen Phillips
Yes, i think that over time the inhabitants of the world have switched around the word of the bible. The first verse i think God is trying to say that women should wear clothes that doesn't show off there body parts as much as the clothes they do wear. The second verse God is saying that you should wear your respective gender apparel. And finally the last bible verse is saying that braiding of the hair, and wearing jewelry is not neccessary or needed to show your true beauty.
ReplyDelete_-ERiC LoCKeTT
no the meaning of scripture never changes. god is getting at that we should dress right and keep ourselves clean because our body is gods temple. i once went to a church where the entire music team and even pastor were dressed in shorts and t-shirt and it didn't feel like a church that i would want to be in, so why would god want his temple to be all crazy either.
ReplyDeleteJonathan Thomas
as time goes on, the styles change today women wear mens clothes all the time. Back then it was considered inappropriate but today nothing is thought of it. the meaning is getting through to us a different way these days. Inappropriate means sketchy tops and short skirts. God just wants us to dress modestly and honor him with our choice of clothing.
I think that Gods word applies to every situation that we have in our lives. In these scriptures God is telling us to be happy with what he has given you and don’t worry about our appearance. God is also telling us to dress according to our gender and to dress like Christians should dress and not by this world. Even though I know many people who get their hair braided this last verse says that beauty is not how you are on the outside it is what is on the inside.Chistopher Dewberry
ReplyDeleteGod's word is saying that when dressed in an inapropriateouir society should frown apon us. In todays world all people drift away from that concept and dont refer to the Bible in a clothing situation. They see nothing wrong and keep living their life the way they want to live it. This is not how we should live. However in this scripture it was writtin hundreds of years a go and have high expectations. In todays society we should still have limits in are clothing choices. This important scripture is just one example of living a life of Christ.
ReplyDelete-Matt Landry
I think that God is trying to say to us that anything that is unpleasing to God should not be worn. Now the braiding of hair and gold jewelry is not what i would consider against God. I do not think that scriptures moral values change over time. Like not wearing clothes that aren't appropriate is still something that would be unpleasing to God. But I do think that what we aren't supposed to wear, like the braided hair and gold items, has changed. Now that would not be unpleasing to God, but something that would have been unpleasing then. God is just trying to warn us and give us examples of what he wants us to do. In the second verse I think God is just reminding us the we need to wear clothes that are for our gender. And in the third and first Bible verses i think he is just reminding us to wear clothing that is appropriate to what God wants.
First of all I think its saying that we should not wear guy clothing but a lot of people do, because some people thinks its "the style". Second it says that ladies should wear modest clothing. Now a days people don't follow that any more. I mean its not a rule by the law but i think its just God saying be careful what you wear. See now a days people wear really short skirts and really tight shirts and its not all that appropriate. I also think that over time scripture does change the meaning of how we look, but I think were just changing it in our minds just to go with the style now a days.
ReplyDelete-Caitlin Kleefeld
This piece of scripture is constantly what I believe misinterpreted by people who want to think it is O.K. to be gay and wear short skirts and be immodest, well guess what it isn't! Time changes nothing about this scripture, society has but God doesn't, why do ladies want to dress inappropriately anyways, so it makes guys look at them, it is wrong and pointless. This isn't all on the women though so i will turn it on the guy's spotlight, wearing women's clothing, not right and no detail is needed. The fact that whatever "you want" is O.K. now is just sickening. California had better snap out of the gay stage because it is terrible and perverted and I shame those who think whatever you want is right. From immodest clothing to being gay, time changes nothing, and no mercy on those who break these laws from me.
ReplyDeleteThe meaning of scripture never changes but the way it is used does. The time we are in, we can talk much more informal to others. Back then everything was strict and very formal. Apparently, in Bible times it was not good for a woman to have their hair braided but know it is ok. They Lord wants us to respect our bodies, especially women. Wearing modest clothes is only part of it. Another is how you act around others. If you act like you do not respect your body then no one else will respect it either. Once in scripture, it says that our bodies should be treated like a temple. If one part is unholy then we must cut it off. This applies because if one part of our attitude or appearance is not to his standards then we should altogether change it. In modern times, it was not suitable for women to wear gold and silver but now we see everyone wearing it. Some of the most devoted Christians I know wear gold jewelry including me but we still love the Lord dearly. God’s word never changes its meaning but sometimes our culture can.
ReplyDeleteI don"t think God's word ever changes or is meant to be twisted. Time isn't supposed to change God's word but obviously people braid their hair and wear gold. In application, braiding your hair isn't "bad" today but when you look at all the other things we aren't doing according to God's word you realize how skewed our view is of the world and our view of Scripture. People dress inappropriately and even when some of them are Christians they don't know that what the Bible says about that is the opposite of what they are doing. Basically, what God is saying is don't dress inappropriately.
ReplyDeleteback in "bible times" it was looked down on if a woman wore mens clothes, and vice versa, but these days, its not so much as even thought of. What God is "getting at" with these verses is that you should be modest with what you wear.
ReplyDeleteGod is trying to tell the world that women should wear approaite clothing. it has been like that since clothing was made. women should not wear mens clothing. And men should not wear womens clothing.
ReplyDeleteaveri noosinow
Times have changed since these verses were written, but they still do apply to our time. We should always dress modestly just like these verses say. I think that they mean that we should think about what we are wearing, and what it says about the things that we wear. They also say that we shouldn't cross dress. The third verse means that we shouldn't try to just make ourselves look good on the outside, but we should make ourselves better on the inside by having Jesus in our lives. I wish that people would follow what these verses say, because if they did then things would be a lot nicer. My mother was telling me that she use to go to a wonderful Christian summer camp where you couldn't wear shorts, and you had to wear jeans that didn't have pockets. That might be a little bit too strict way of dressing, but it is better than the way people clothe themselves now.
ReplyDelete~Sarah Marriott
Things have changed a lot since these verses were written.I think that these verses are saying that women should dress modestly. I think that now it is ok to to braid your hair and wear nice things. I don't think it is ok for women and girls to wear things that are inappropriate. That is my opinion.
ReplyDeleteKatie Kassis
i think time does affect those scriptures because as time progressed, girls started wearing shorter skirts, shorter hair, piercing all over their body, and so on. i think the point the God id trying to get to is NO GAYS. when He said men shouldnt wear womans chlothes and vice versa, i think he was referring to gays.
ReplyDelete-Pillsbury Doughboy a.k.a Berto Dryden a.k.a Mouse a.k.a Premo a.k.a Lil Joker a.k.a Mr.Clutch a.k.a Agent 00 a.k.a Freak of Nature a.k.a WONDER BREAD a.k.a AirPort Control a.k.a Trippple J a.k.a Envy Me......YA HEARD
the word of God wil never change. because he said something in the past doesnt mean it still doesnt apply in the future. for instance since the ten commandments were written million years ago does that mean we dont have to abide by the rules he has given? no, we are always to obey
ReplyDeleteGod's rules. so if God says to dress modestly thats exactly what we should do. some diffrent styles have been presented throughout the years but even still we should dress as apropriatley as possible.
-mary hannah skelton
(harry manilow)
It doesnt change the meaning of scripture, but time changes how we think about scripture and how we apply it. Scripture never changes no matter how old it gets. God is getting at in these verses that we need to stay "straight" and not be gay. And that we should dress appropriotly and not all wild and stuff just to show of to your friends.
Modesty is very important. It has to do with how we carry ourselves, how people view us, and how we dress. I think that time does not change the meaning of scripture, but it sometimes changes the application of some scriptures. Like, the verse about whoever does not have sin cast the first stone - people don't stone people anymore....but the meaning of the scripture is not to judge people as sinners when you yourself are sinners. Some application of scripture never changes, like, "Thou shalt not steal." Some Scriptures were written to certain people. Paul wrote letters to people like Peter or Timothy - and he was talking about certain things that were going on then. So we have to figure out what that means to us now. The Bible is clear that God wants us to be modest. Cultures view being modest in different ways. So we do have to keep thinking about what being modest means in our time. But the meaning of the Scripture is the same.
ReplyDeleteEmma Wright
scripture can change meaning eventually. but it never changes drastically. scripture always has the same words and can only be applies so many ways.this verse has one main point. it is for woman to wear respectful clothing.
This says that God doesn't want woman to wear anything that exposes them to much or shows off how rich they are. Scripture sometimes changes because of the time period but I think this rule still stands
ReplyDeleteBrandon Chan
I think this is saying gel should watch how they dress. It's not saying they shouldn't have braids in their hair or anything
ReplyDeletewalker wood
i think that the meaning of scripture stays the same, but over time cultures change, and some things like braiding hair, arent bad. i do think alot has changed since Bible times. i think people still have the opportunity, but back then they were alot more modest, and dress appropriatly, but back then they were alot more modest. i still think the meaning of this scripture is still there becasue just becasue no days we braid hair, wear gold and peals, doesnt mean we cant be modest in the other things. i think that time cant change the overall meaning of scripture. but it can change the other things, like bradied hair. God gave us our bodies, and we need to honor him with them. Even though we think they are ours, but they are God's, and we have to treat our body right, because it is a temple. we should, as Christains, set an example by not dressing inappropiatly, but to dress our hearts with the fruits of the spirit., and please God with everything we do.
ReplyDelete~Kerry Anna LEmasters
i think it is saying that people should dress nicly, but not over nice and too nice, then it is bad. They should also not be "gay" in the way they dress by cross dressing or anything like that. Also that would be bad to dress like the opposite gender. And also dont let people look at you by the way you dress.
ReplyDelete-Nick Rusell
My name is carmyn and noone likes me because I'm weird and awkward! hahahahahaha