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Thursday, November 4, 2010

World Cultures Question #6

"Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine." Proverbs 3:7-10 

"The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory." Romans 8:16, 17

Answer the following questions with a parent...
What is the "prosperity gospel"? (use the internet to find the answer)

Does God call us to suffer or prosper?

What is the proper Biblical mindset towards prospering? 


  1. Cole: The prosperity gospel is a belief that God provides material prosperity for those who hav faith in it. Gd calls us to prosper or suffer. There are times when he allows us to prosper in life but there are also times when we as believers have to suffer for him. We may not enjoy this but if we look back on it we may have learned something or become stronger in our faith.
    Coles parent: The prosperity gospel is a dangerous teaching because if we only believe that God blesses us financially when we trust him, the opposite must be true and we may feel God has deserted us if we face financial trials. Paul tells the Phillipians that he had learned to be content in every situation--in need or in plenty. I think that is what God calls us to do. If we are blessed financially, we should be generous with those who are in need but if not, we must still keep our eyes on God and look for his eternal perspective in the situation.

  2. God calls us to prosper because He loves us and doesn't want us to suffer. The prosperity gospel is the belief that God provides sucess to those in His favor. We should all try to prosper, as long as God is always on the top of our minds. We need to remember that God wants us to sacrifice our "first fruits" and not just the leftovers. It's ok to try and make a good living, but if it gets out of control we might lose everything because God always deserves the best.

  3. Prosperity gospel is pretty much saying that God wants us to be rich and materialistic. The Lord preaches in the bible numberous times that we shouldn't be of worldly things, but instead of Heaavenly treasures. If the Lord wanted all his believers to be rich, wouldn't he have blessed the world with money? The Lord puts circumstances in out lives that make us become better people. For some people, that is bringing them to a place where they only have the clothes on their back. The Lord uses circumstances like that in our life to bring us closer to Him. They're followers of Jesus Christ all over the world, who have nothing. The Lord loves them equally. God does love us, but He isn't going to hand us everything on a silver platter.

  4. The prosperity gospel is basically stating that if believers put in faith for God, He will give material items and money back. It says that God provides materials for people He favors, however He loves everyone the same. God definitely doesn't call us to suffer, but it doesn't matter to Him if someone is rich or poor,"Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches..." (Proverbs 30:8). All God really wants is for everyone to be kind and strive to stay away from sins. Therefore, He doesn't give certain people prosperity because everyone is equal and money it doesn't end up mattering. Prospering is fine until someone who prospers begins to lie and sin over and over again without a relationship with Christ.
    ~Megan Schwarzkopf~
    *Period 6*

  5. Quinn Larimer and ParentsNovember 9, 2010 at 5:49 PM

    Prosperity Gospel: the idea that God wants his believers to prosper financially
    God calls us to suffer so that we may prosper. "And God will use this persecution to show his justice and to make you worthy of his kingdom, for which you are suffering" 2 Thessalonians 1:5. This is saying that the suffering that you are going through, in the end will bring you prosperity. You may not receive your prosperity while on Earth but heavenly treasures are waiting for those who believe. In order to prosper, you must suffer first. Only God knows why some people prosper more than others while some suffer more than others.
    Most people think of prosperity as money and wealth. Biblical prosperity is not material things. It can be: a personal relationship with Christ, a good character, or serving others. People need to focus more on biblical prosperity rather than material item as their prosperity on Earth.
    Quinn Larimer and Mom
    prd. 6 11/9/10

  6. The “prosperity gospel” is when someone uses God for His powers instead of allowing God to use him/her. For example, someone might only ask God to give them things such as a good job, a good grade on a test, or a great house. God calls us to suffer and be persecuted on earth, but to become prosperous in heaven by our good deeds on earth. God wants us to follow him and trust that there is a purpose for the plans that he has for Christians and to have faith in him. He wants us to consider it a joy when we face trials because it will build our faith through the hard times. The proper biblical mindset we should have towards prospering is to prosper in heaven and do whatever his plan is for each of us on earth.

  7. I think God calls us to suffer to prosper. Whatever we do that we suffer from we gain something from it. An example of this is when you work out, you tear down your muscles so they can build up stronger next time. This is also the same with when you do something you shouldn't. Like putting your hand on something hot. It hurts and therefore you suffer, but now you know not to touch anything hot. In this way you prosper.The prosperity gospel is a belief that God provides material prosperity for those who have faith in it.

  8. Grace and Jill LangellaNovember 10, 2010 at 9:16 PM

    The "prosperity gospel" is when the believer uses God for his will not God's. An example of this is when someone says that if they believe in God, He will make them rich. Although I don't not think God calls us to prosper, I don't think he calls us to suffer either. God just wants us to trust in him through all times, when things are good and bad. The bible says in Luke 12:15 that life does not consist of abundance of possessions.There is nothing wrong with being rich if you work for it, but you have to know that in heaven it will not matter if you are a millionaire or if you have nothing.

  9. The prosperity gospel is the belief that if you are one of God's believers that he will make you prosperous. But God makes us go through hard times so that we call on him for help. Or we might think that we can do it all on our own. Some of the poorest people are the most godly because they depend on God. They might not be rich but they are rich in God's love.

  10. The prosperity gospel is defined as a materialistic Christian belief: the doctrine taught in some Christian groups that God will grant wishes to the faithful, especially those wishes involving material wealth. God calls us to prosper, but in that prospering there is also suffering. Suffering builds up our faith in God. In those hard times it is then that we thrive spiritually. The definition of prosper is to be successful exspecially in the material world. In prospering one has to not become to greedy. The Biblical veiw of prospering is to not become greedy and be successful for Him. Also, in our house we tithe in church. In prospering, whatever we ean we give a certain amount of that back to God. So, to sum up prospering it is basically being successful not for you, but for Him.

    Kristen and parents
    Per. 5

  11. Prosperity gospel means that GOd provides material prosperity for those he favors. Which is not true at all God loves us all the same and doesn't chose one over the other.I think it's a mixture of both. There are times that God will say yes to something we ask but then there are times he will say no. When Gos wants us to prosper he wants us to tithe to him and not be greedy with our money and use it on worldly items.


  12. Who doesn’t want to be wealthy? Different people have different ways of obtaining prosperity. One group of people tries to gain prosperity by following the prosperity gospel. The prosperity gospel may be described as the “name it and claim it” gospel or the “gospel of success.” Basically, this is an egocentric gospel, and it teaches that God desires for His believers to be materially wealthy. Teachers of this false gospel even encourage the students to pray for perishable items like cars, large houses, and private jets. Those people use God, and they believe that to be prosperous is to have many material things. The Bible view is that God wants His people to prosper. He desires for believes to prosper in all areas of life like their walk with him, relationships, and heath. When believers suffer, God is simply testing how strong their faith in Him is. Suffering is a part of life. When a bone breaks but then heals, the bone is stronger when it heals then before it was broken. What doesn’t kill somebody makes the person stronger! The question is: does the person love money more than anything in the world? 1 Timothy 6:10 says: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” The proper mindset towards prospering is that God gives believers gifts like life and talents. He wants His believers to use the presents they are blessed with to glorify Him. A way to glorify God with the gifts he gives is to give the gifts back to Him. If someone is talented then chances are that they will obtain wealth. Then, they can choose to give their wealth to people who are in need or to missionaries in order to honor God. God uses people. People don’t use God.

  13. God calls each and everyone of us to prosper. Sometimes, in order to prosper successfully, you may need to suffer or fall a few times in order to understand it. God doesn't want us to suffer ultimately in the end, He wants us to succeed. "prosperity gospel" means we shouldn't worry about securing ourselves in the world because then we worry more about the world, than God and His word. We need to stick with Him and know that we may fall down a few times, but if you get back up sooner or later you will succeed!
    ~ ansley p. =)

  14. God does not have a problem with us prospering. The problem is when we take our eyes off of god and pot them on physical things, like money and things of that nature. Going through hard times can be more spiritually prosperous because we feel more called to god and our closer to him.

    William Bell

  15. The "prosperity gospel" is the belief that God will grant wishes or material gifts to those who are faithful. God calls us to suffer through the hard times of life on earth to spread the truth to those who don't believe. This does not mean that christians shouldn't be good role models to nonbelievers, it means that we should persevere through the challenging times to reach prosperity. As christians we should strive to be the best, so that nonbelievers will realize the greatness of christianity. By persevering through suffrage on earth and remaining faithful to God, we will become prosperous in heaven eternally with him. God gives us prosperity so we can further glorify him. He gives us financial prosperity so we can give more to the poor, and he offers us material prosperity. He knows that we need food, water, and clothing, so he gives us these things, but the Bible doesn't say that we need faster cars, bigger houses, cooler clothes and games, or gadgets. God will provide for our needs but not always for our wants.

  16. The prosperity gospel is the assumption that God wants us to be rich. God calls us to both prosper and suffer. Some people believe that in order to prosper, you must suffer. In other terms this is like saying you learn from past mistakes. After you suffer from something harsh you have gained or prospered a trait that you may not have had before. Although some people thinks it's necessary to prosper only by suffering, this is not always true. Some people also believe that God just gives them something and he allows the person to prosper through faith.

    Matt Olson
    Per. 5

  17. the prosperity gospel is sometimes called "Name it, Claim it". Their thought is that God wants them to be rich and they simply need to name what they want and God will give it to them. I believe that we need to find out what Gods will is and then we ask to be included in his plans. Then God will make us prosperous in Him.

  18. Kristina Harrington said...

    The prosperity gospel is when the full blessings of God are available to those who approach Him in faith and obedience includes wealth, health and power. God’s desire is for His people to proper. Proverbs 13:21 says misfortune pursues the sinner, but prosperity is the reward of the righteous. Therefore, if we have a relationship with God and follow His word, then we will surely prosper. We must trust in God even though things might not go the way we planned them to. God does not want us to seek prosperity, but instead live according to his word. Then, God will give us prosperity.

  19. I do not believe the Bible teaches that we will have great material wealth if we are Christians, in fact I believe it sort of says the opposite. It says that in this world there will be trials and tribulations, because we are in a fallen world. I most definitely disagree with "prosperity gospel". I know there are some incredibly strong Christians who are missionaries all over the world, who do not have rich comfortable lives. Does this mean that they are not Christians? God tells us that we are to give the best of whatever we have. That means that it varies according to your wealth. If we all had the same wealth Go would say give me x-number of dollars for your tithe, but he doesn’t. He says give the best YOU can give. He doesn’t compare your gift to another persons if he knows that your gift is sincere. there is a story in the Gospel that is about a woman who gave a little money for a tithe and it was all that she had. Jesus sees this and says to the others present that even though others gave more, they did not give all that they had. Jesus said that her gift was more valuable than the others, because she gave her all. What the "prosperity gospel" is basically saying is that if you truly are a Christian you will have wealth, and that is not true because God says that he will provide for our needs. this does not mean he will make us millionaires,it means he will never let us go without what we absolutely cannot live without and ultimately God is the only thing we don't want to live without.

  20. Prosperity gospel is the belief that God will give riches to those He favors. The idea of it is that if you follow God, then you are entitled to riches and wealth. The verse above says that we are HIs children, and so it is safe to say He would not want his children to suffer and would want us to have a good life. But He wants us to have an abundant life according to the Bible. But the Bible also says in Matthew that "Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness", so the Bible mentions that hurting is a part of life. The Bible says that "Faith without works is dead." God is not Santa Claus. We cannot just ask him for what we want and do nothing. This verse lets us know that.

    Sage Blackwood

  21. The definition of prosperity gospel is this: "belief that faith works as a mighty power or force. That it is through their faith that they can obtain anything they want such as health, wealth, or any form of personal success. However, this force is only released through their faith.
    God calls us as Christians to prosper, but not to be boastful about it and not to be greedy. Prospering can be taken in many ways. Like a worldly view of prospering, being rich and wealthy, but a Christian view is different. I believe as a Christian prospering can be growing in your faith with God, or becoming a stronger Christian through the struggles put in your life. Going through the tough times in your life helps to make you grow stronger with God.
    In the Bible it says:

    "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
    Proverbs 11:25

    "Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways. 2 You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours."
    Psalm 128:1-2
    These verses mean that a generous and hard working Christian will be granted with the gift of prosperity. It is earned through hard work, struggles and tough times, but God is with you through them all. Not just by faith, but by working for the Lord not for men. And being generous with all that is given to you. Generous, as in giving away, to the poor, the needy, the hungry, and the broken. Through these things will come prosperity, maybe riches, but always growing stronger with God, in trusting Him, and becoming more Godly and wise through these things.

    Megan Fikse :-)
    World Cultures
    period 6

  22. jacob fikse and parents said
    The prosperity gospel is a belief that when believers have faith in God he will provide financial and materialistic thing for us. Shift has a plan for us. it may involve suffering or it may involve prospering. In the bible God says "for i know the plans i have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. God wants us to prosper, but sometimes we may suffer and struggle. we should prosper but never expect materialistic things from God or money but if you have faith in god you can expect a wonderful life in heaven.

  23. The prosperity gospel is a religious belief found among millions of christians, primarily in the US, centered on the notion that God provides material prosperity for those he favors.
    Proverbs 13:21 "Misfortune pursues the sinner, but prosperity is the reward of the righteous."
    We think the proper biblical mindset towards prosperity is not material things, but peace and joy, which is prosperity in it self. Look at it this way, if you had a choice to be rich and struggle with the problems of today's world or would you rather have peace and joy without the problems of today's world, which would you choose? Matthew 6:33 "seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and it's righteouness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

    Ryann Farmer and parent

  24. The prosperity gospel states that God will provide for you if you believe in Him. So basically, how much we prosper is based on the level of our faith. We will be rewarded with money to buy materialistic items if we truly believe in God. Although, sometimes, he has a different plan for us. In some situations, people suffer in their childhood or anywhere in life and it brings their relationship CLOSER to Him. This is all part of God's plan. God loves each and every person in the world, so he wouldn't intentionally try to make someone suffer, unless it was to teach a lesson and guide them to an even better life and future later on. When we suffer, he knows that we will gain wisdom and be an even more noble person than we were before. So really, what we think of as suffering, is really leading us to a life full of prosperity. Plus, if we want money so bad to lie about our faith just to get it, it becomes an idol which will definitely make the bond between you and God father apart. If you care too much about money, it will soon consume all your thoughts which if handled wrong, can turn a person evil. Proverbs 13:21- "Misfortune pursues the sinner, but prosperity is the reward for righteousness."
    Sarah Zschunke and Parents
    World Cultures
    Period 5

  25. The prosperity gospel is the belief that if you believe in God and accept Jesus as your savior then you will gain riches, good health, nice car, etc... Not once in the bible does it say that if you accept Christ as your savior that you will prosper. This is very wrong because this is idolatry and a person may come to worship these possessions. I think God calls us to neither prosper or suffer. He says to honor him at all times whether a person is prospering or suffering. We should be joyful in Christ no matter what happens to us. I think the bible says that if you prosper, then you need to keep your mind on the right path and not focused on worldly things and remember that earthly materials are not everlasting possessions. As Christians we need to be focused on building up treasures in heaven, not earth.

  26. the prosperity doctrine is God materialy blesses those he favors.
    Answer: I think God calls us to both. He says, "take up YOUR cross and follow me", but He also says in John 10: "I come that they may have life, and have it more abundantley".
    My dad thinks differently and that suffering is the natural state of man and the grace of God is the only reason we can feel joy.

    The proper Biblical is humble obedience to God, living a life of faith that he will allow us to have an abundant prosperous life through his riches

  27. It is saying that God wants us to prosper and grow not to suffer even though we deserve to suffer God doesn't want to suffer he wants us to know him and learn is word. The Bible says that to prosper is to grow with God and get to know him more and be able to share his word and all that we have learned about him.I completely agree with the Bible and what it is saying that what the word prosper mean. If to prosper means to grow with God then we need to prosper a ton because we always can learn more about God and if someone thinks they know everything about God their wrong.

  28. the definition of prosperity gospel is literraly;
    a modern version or, according to some, perversion of the gospel according to which the full blessings of God available to those who approach Him in faith and obedience include wealth, health and power. There is difference in poverty, getting by, middle class and being rich, and i dont think that God has anything against any of those financial states, its when the money becomes the idol that He is opposed to a large amount of money, or even a small amount.We have not been called to live like street people, but we have been called to share our belongings with those less fortunate and to tithe 10 percent, and when we dont do that it again does not honor God. So basically as long as we are honoring God with our blessings he will honor us.
    -audrey garrett

  29. Prosperity Gospel "is the assumption that the blessings of the Gospel are a guarantee of material and financial blessings now."
    I believe that God does call us to prosper and not suffer. He wants us to prosper not only through material possessions, but most importantly, through his miraculous treasures.
    "Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have." (Hebrews 13:5 ESV). The bible states repeatedly that God does not want us to become attached to material possessions. Although God discourages us from becoming attached to worldly possessions, He does not tell us to live on the streets and avoid the use of money and materials because that would inflict suffering. Instead, he calls us to use his gifts to help people prosper from material things responsibly.

    -Naomy Grand'Pierre
    Period 5 (^_^)

  30. The Prosperity Gospel is the Christian belief that you can have whatever you want as long as you have faith and trust in God. And if you don't have what you asked for then you don't have enough faith. In that case that is a way of manipulating God's power, because if you think that because you have a lot of faith, that God's going to give you everything you ask for, you are very wrong. If you ask Him for something reasonable and you have faith, then He might grant you your request. But if it's something that is either innapropriate or stupid then most likely 99% of the time you won't get your request. So you should belive in the Prosperity Gospel but don't manipulate it.

  31. The porsperity gospel is the belief that the Lord will give material prosperity to those he favores. The Lord calls us to prosper but as well as you prosper with material items your soul needs to prosper siritually. The Lord then want us to share this prosperity with those who are less fortunite. Matthew 6:33 says: "But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." To me this means you should first want to better yourself with the Lord and do everything you can for the Lord and not for money then you will be given physical prosperity. There is a prerequesite to propersity which is to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and then we will be blessed with material prosperity.

  32. God wants us to suceed and prosper, but sometimes when were on are way to sucess we have to fall. God does not want us to be a failer in life. He wants us to suceed in evreything we do.
    Jordan Smith

  33. prosperity gospel is thinking you will get anything you want if you have faith in the Lord. Jesus calls us to have suffering so that we can have more and more faith. But sometimes he get prospetity before you suffer that means that you have done something right in your life.

    courtney alexander

  34. God calls us to prosper but sometimes we have to suffer in order to get it. After you have sufferd you will gain knowledge and learn from your mistakes.We should not exspect godd things to happen just because we believe in Jesus. Everything works out for a reason and we should trust God. For i know the plans i have for you, plans to prosper you, not to harm you. Jeramiah 29: 11 ~ Gabrielle Boswell :)

  35. The prosperity of gospel is the belief in God. The lord never wants us to suffer. Coach Johnson says that the lord loves us best when we gio through trials and wants us to love him and rely on him and hope that we can rely on God. The lord wants us to try our best through all things. Margaret :)

  36. gOD CALLS US to prosper in the world. we prosper by spreading the word of his gospel. god wants us to succeed in everything we do in life.

  37. God wants us to prosper but 1st, we have to suffer. We learn from our mistakes. We need to take the fall to come out stronger. This is how God makes us grow.The Prosperity Gospel is the Christian belief that you can have whatever you want as long as you have faith and trust in God. If you look at this definition, and think that God will give you everything that you want , you are wrong. You can have faith in God but he still won't give us everything.

  38. God does tell us to prosper but that doesn't mean take everything for granted because that is not respond. Just because we hae faith we don't get every thing. he doesnt want us to suffer he wants us to prosper so we should be glad for that and be thankful

  39. The belief that God blesses those Christiansthat have material possesions if they have faith in him and honor him. God talks about tthis frequently in the Bible. God always wants his belivers to proseper. God never hates a man or wishes evil upon him because of something he has done.

    Syd Burke

  40. Prosperity gospel is basically a christian belief that God blesses those people that have faith materially. It means that he gives the material possessions for believing in Him. I think that God wants us to suffer and prosper. I mean he does put us up to trials in our life but also he does want us to prosper. I know some religions believe that he only wants us to suffer and that the more we suffer the more we will be honored in heaven. but i disagree because God wants us to succeed in life.
    Kelsey BUtler
    period 6

  41. God calls us to prosper, he made us for a reason and not for a bad one. God calls us to prosper with a good attitude and to give back to others and share your success perversation of gospel according to which you are supposed to use your blessings wisely.

  42. God calls us to prosper but that doesnt mean that we dont have to suffer. He said that life wouldnt be easy. Just because we believe in God, doesnt mean that we autimatically go to Heaven. We need to have a real relationship with Him. And when the suffering comes, we are with Him. mary kendrick
