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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

U.S. History Question #6

"It is the weak man who urges compromise, never the strong man."
"All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter."
"The compromise will always be more expensive than either of the suggestions it is compromising."

When is compromise healthy? When is compromise dangerous?


  1. Compromise, There's two types of compromise, good compromise and bad compromise. Good compromise is when you agree with something for a good reason. Ex. You really feel like having spaghetti and meatballs but your mom doesn't want to cook. So instead of getting into an argument you compromise and choose 'to-go'. That way you're not being selfish but instead thinking of others needs and agreeing on something that works best for both of you. Usually compromising is good for relationships because in the long run, its a whole lot easier to compromise and keep a healthy relationship then get exactly what we want and lose a valuable friend, relative, etc.
    There are bad compromises. These are the same compromises the devil tries to get God's people to fall for today. To know when a good or bad compromise comes along here are some guidelines:
    -Ask yourself is this a moral issue or not?
    -If so, DO NOT
    -If not, Consider it

  2. felton said...
    compromise can be good and healthy for a cause. And it can be bad and dangerous for a cause. Good compromise is when you decide to alter your thoughts and ideas a little to allow you to incorporate what you want and the other people want. In order to make a good compromise requires a lot of thinking and tweaking not just doing it to do it. You actually have to know your reason to make compromise or to stay with your original idea. But on the other hand bad compromise is when you just choose to make compromise without even thinking it through. And you just do it because you just don't want to think it through and you just want to find a way to make other people happy. But when you deal with good compromise you might do that because its not really a big deal and you don't mind that because you still think that that idea is good and it won't really effect anything that big.

  3. Compromise is important factor in all of our lives. A compromise is when people give up some of what they want to come to an agreement. Some people are good at compromising, others are not, pride gets in their way and they are blinded by only what they want. Good compromises are a foundation for good relationships; if you refuse to compromise many relationships could be broken. Good compromises are healthy for a relationship. For example, two friends are deciding, they each want to see a different movie, so they compromise and pick a movie that they both liked but not as much as the others. Bad compromises are what lead to some of the worst decisions worldwide. For example if a person is convinced to get in a car with someone who is not licensed to drive. They would be compromising their safety and values as well. Many choose their own comfort over the consequences, even if they affect other people. Compromising can be good or bad, it’s up to you to make the right decision.

  4. Compromise is healthy when it is beneficial to everyone. Not just a certain person or group of people. Compromise is also helpful to someone when they are not going to get what they want meaning the other group of people will demolish them if they don’t compromise. Compromise can be unhealthy when you are compromising something that you now is right and you know you should stand up for. Something like your faith in Jesus.
    -Connor caffrey

  5. Compromise is healthy when it is for something good like what you are going to have for dinner, or who gets to sit in the front seat of the car. It is unhealthy when you compromise for something like drinking or doing drugs. Compromise is like food sometimes its good for you and other times its bad for you. Our congress had to compromise on many things like which states would be slave states and which would be non slave states.

  6. Compromise is healthy when two opposing sides can meet on common ground and can come up with a solution that benefits both sides. An example would be like when I want to watch Sports Center and my sister wants to watch Disney Channel. We compromise and agree that each person can watch their pick for 30 minutes. Compromise is dangerous when you compromise your religion or your values. On my travel baseball team the guys use cuss words a lot. I have to not compromise my character just to be "cool" with them.

  7. Compromising isn't always a bad thing if each person is happy with what the solution is. If it is between on where to eat or what movie to watch it is defiantly OK to be in a compromise. It may be difficult in any compromise if there is many people involved because to many people have to many different opinions, that is why when our country had a compromise it was difficult to find a solution. It is better with just a few people because there may not be alot of arguing and finding a solution would be faster. Although a dangerous compromise is when the outcome may affect alot of people, so you would need to be more careful with what the compromise is about and how it can a affect the people involved in it. Another dangerous compromise is when it can affect people in a bad way.

  8. Compromise is healthy because it allows two separate sides to get a little of what they want. Throughout history, treaties and compromises have prevented bloodshed. In addition, everyday compromises (i.e., what you are going to have for dinner) help avoid anger, unhappiness, and hurt relationships. Compromise is also useful when you are bartering with someone. However, sometimes compromise is dangerous if a side is dealing with a ruthless or untrustworthy party. The untrustworthy side can dishonor the treaty or compromise and slaughter the party they “compromised” with. Every day, Satan tempts us and tries to make us compromise our integrity. Sometimes it is we are alone, like when we have the decision to look in the back of our math book for the answers or do the work ourselves. These compromises of our integrity are dangerous, and they strain our relationship with the Lord. Compromises can be healthy or dangerous depending on the circumstance.

  9. Comprimise Is sometimes good amd sometimes bad. Comprimise is better than argueing. you make a comprimise so you both get something out of it. But sometimes you just have to say no. Thats when comprimise is bad

  10. Compromise helps change the world and gives the country both belives at the same time. It is more healthy to do compromise than disagree all the time or nothing will ever be passeed. If you have a strong arguement though and you know the other person is wrong, you should follow what you beleive.

  11. Compromise can help both sides of the arguement ,but when you compromise both sides get to have part of the decision. If it leads to something negative that would not benefit both of you there is no reason to compromise. When you try to compromise over something ridiculous that can be resolved like what you watch at the movies or what you have for dinner. Compromises can stop someone from getting angry or saying hurtful things that could harm you and the persons relationship. It could also allow you to make a good decison that could let you make a decision that you both like.

  12. Compromise is heathy when it is over something that is reasonable. Like, if someone was going to go out to eat and watch a movie with a friend and they couldn't agree on where to eat and what movie to watch, they should try to compromise. One of them could decide where to eat and the other person could decide what movie to watch. Compromise is dangerous when it is over something that is ridiculous and wrong. Slavery is a good example. The people of The United States shouldn't have compromised over that, because it goes against the Constitution and the Bible. In the Constitution, it says that all men are created equally. That means that in the time of slavery, slave owners were violating the rights of the slaves that the Constitution said they had. In the Bible, God says that he loves everyone, Black people, White people, Africans, Asians, everyone. If God loves everyone equally, then why did the slave owners compromise over the rights of people God thought to be equal to them. It is ok to compromise on somethings, but if the problem has to do with moral principals, it is not ok to compromise.

  13. Good comprimises helps the peole comprimising so they both kinda get what they want. If you dont comprimise there then you will fight and get angry with one another and no one wins. So if you dont comprimise everyone gets angry at you and you will have horrible relation ships. Bad comprimises are good at first but then they get excessive. for example you want to watch TV but your mom says you should do homework you comprimise and say i will watch 30 minutes of TV then do my homework. Then you get into the show and after the 30 minutes beg your mom to let you watch more and so you keep watching TV without any though of your homework and your momgets real angry at youfor not doing it. So a bad comprimise causes you hurt relation when it started out as a good comprimise. it is very important we use comprimises just not bad ones.

    charlie money

  14. A compromise is healthy when it benefits everyone and it is for the best but it is dangerous if it only benefits a group of people and could cause harm to others. Compromising is important in the world because with out it there would be even more chaos than there is today.

    -evan johnson B-)

  15. I believe compromise is necessary in some situations but not all. There are times when compromise can be a bad choice such as compromising in war. Then you could be compromising by giving money, land, etc. Although occasionally that is necessary to save people. A compromise is healthy when it benefits everyone or most everyone. It can be incredibly dangerous when it makes only one perspective happy. I think that there are situations where you can't make everyone happy and understanding. This can lead to war, civil war, and even other horrible problems. Although sometimes this is necessary to keep order and for the good of mankind. People throughout history have not done what is necessary and have put someone in power just to keep power in a certain type government like Hitler or Stalin. I believe it was wrong. There are also times when a person needs to change government but doesn't because of a lust for power. It depends on the person's heart and the compromise.

  16. A compromise is healthy when it helps both sides of the argument,and it benefits something good. A compromise is when dangerous when it doesen't benefit both sides of the argument.

    Mikaela McAlpine

  17. Compromise is healthy when it benefits both of the sides in the argument equally. It will help both sides to get what they want at least a little bit. Sometimes it is for the best to compromise so you don't get too selfish and greedy. Sometimes though, compromise is very bad. First of all, sometimes people will cheat you and it won't be an equal bargain. Also, it won't benefit both sides which is bad.

    Will Schultz

  18. Compromise is the conclusion to many problems in the U.S.. Compromise is good when the solution benefits necessities, but when it is to benefit the things you want, but don't need is when it's wrong. God wants us to compromise when it will benefit his people and move them towards him. It is wrong to compromise when it hurts others who are innocent and pulls people away from God.

  19. A compromise is good if it will last and there arn't any backdoors.An example is if you are fighting in a war and you compromise with another country to help win. But to be safe you will have to probably pay them. A dangerous compromise is one that only lasts for a couple years. If you surrender in a war or compromise then they will wait those years then atack you. And you will be killed.
    William Charles

  20. Compromise is healthy when it makes both sides happy. If a compromise leans toward a side, then it is not a compromise. A healthy compromise doesn’t attack a certain group. The people ultimately decide if it is healthy. A healthy compromise can’t make the people furious. Compromise needs to meet at an understandable middle point. A good compromise can only come with sacrifice. Both sides will have to give up a little of what they want in order to be productive.
    A dangerous compromise is when you make one side of the argument angry. That makes the people mad at the government. The compromise then splits the country to either supporters or non-supporters. The purpose of the government is to keep the country together. A dangerous compromise can hinder the government from doing its job. A bad compromise leans toward a side and makes half of the people angry when they could stay together when there is real compromise.

  21. Compromise can either be healthy or dangerous. It depends on the situation. We cannot believe that everything has to be our way. You compromise your health by not washing your hands especially after using the bathroom. That can be dangerous because you can make yourself sick. A healthy compromise would be a movie. If you went to see a movie with your friends, and two of you wanted to see one movie and the other two wanted to see another, you could compromise and watch both movies in one day.

  22. JAYTEE sayz:
    when the comprimise benfits both sides of the argument, I would consider it healthy. when a comprimise benefits mor to one side then it is unhealthy. Comprimises need to be fair to both parties. An unhealthy comprimise could lead to another fight and another unhealthy comprimise. also if one side is the definite to have the better half of the comprimise you should try to comprimise the comprimise. A comprimise always comes with consequence and someones going to have to give something up. treating both sides equal and with the same amount of respect will produce a healthy comprimise

    JAYt is finished

  23. compromise is good most of the time. For example it helps straighten out arguments and conflicts. Compromise can also be unhealthy though. For example Ransom. I would say that that is definitely not a fair compromise in most cases. Then again ransom isn't really a compromise because both sides are not getting a fair share of what they want. In order to compromise the compromise needs to be fair. God talks about being fair in the Bible a lot. This proves that just because compromise sounds good does not mean that it actually is or is not.

    Anna Reeves McCutcheon
    It is healthy when you are able to advance a good idea or thought. I would say it is dangerouse when it causes someone to compromise their principles or safety.
    Jim McCutcheon

  24. alex herden
    A compromise is healthy when every one comes to an agreement and it is benefitial for both sides. Think of it like you want six points in somthing and another person wants seven if you get five you get five and the other person gets five everyone is happy, but now lets say you got two points and the other person got there seven in, the comprimise then mainly benefits the other person so it is not a good comprimise. there are also somethings that shouldn't be comprimised on, like slavery. they should not have made some states free and some slave they should have completely obolished it even though it would haave started a war because the war would have happpened anyway.

  25. alex herden
    A compromise is healthy when every one comes to an agreement and it is benefitial for both sides. Think of it like you want six points in something and another person wants seven if you get five and the other person gets five everyone is happy, but now lets say you got two points and the other person got there seven in, the comprimise then mainly benefits the other person so it is not a good comprimise. there are also somethings that shouldn't be comprimised on, like slavery. they should not have made some states free and some slave they should have completely obolished it even though it would haave started a war because the war would have happpened anyway.

  26. compromise is healthy when it only takes part of the goal you have set away. If the compromise makes your idea worthless, or the idea unable to work, than a better compromise is in order. If the compromise takes away basic rights, or is completely unfair to one side or the other, than the fight should prevail until a reasonable compromise can be put into action. Sometimes a compromise is completely fair to both people especially when both sides loose the same amount. Compromises always vary based on the circumstances.

  27. Compromise is good when the compromise benifits both people. Example the New Jersey Plan. Compromise is dangerous when it benifits only ne person in the compromise. Example tarrif on the south states thats when Compromise is dangerous. If a compromise is a promise between one side evil and one side good then their should not be a compromise the good should allaws win don't matter what.Personally to me compromise is usually good because it allows one side to get part of what they want and the other soud to get half also. This is my suggestion for Compromsie being good or dangerous.
    Carmie Car
