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Monday, May 2, 2011

World Cultures Question #13

Consider all of the parts of the world we have studied this year in World Cultures...

In what ways are people from various parts of the world similar?

In what ways are people different?

Give specific examples.


  1. People of the world are similar for example all human require basic needs in order to survive. However there are various differences such as physical apperance, skin tone variations, body mass,texture and growth patterns of the hair. Also people's personalities are major differences and no two people are the same.

  2. People in different parts of the world all have a government they live under and everyone trades with others countries. All governments oversee trade, justice, transportation and the military. My computer is from China and we send them grain. We all depend on each other for the items that we need.

    As for differences, In America people are focused sports and entertainment, and in Japan education is more important there. .In japan the sport of sumo wrestling is the national pasttime where as in England Futbol is the most popular sport. In America sumo wrestlers would go hungry if they had to live off their winnings and soccer stars are few and far between.

  3. Naomy Grand'PierreMay 9, 2011 at 4:56 PM

    Over the course of this unit, we have learned about many people all over the world. Although everyone comes from all over, there are many similarities as well as differences. As for similarities, there are the obvious ones like we are all equal in the eyes of God and He made us all in his image but there are the not so prominent ones as well. All the people of this world are dependent on other human beings, nations and talents. Just take the recession in America as an example. We make a mistake and the whole world is affected along with us. We are also all competitive and strive for excellence on our way to the top. We strive for above average like China and the US and we help out those who are less fortunate like people in Haiti or Africa.

    There are many differences as well. Things like language, culture, appearance things that make us all unique are important in this world. All of our differences allow this world to help each other but it can also bring war and strife. Things like Sunni and Shiite Muslims or Hutu and Tutsi Africans or American and Afganistans fights. 
    In the end, are similarities and differences make us who we are and that comes with blessings as well as curses.
    -Naomy Grand'Pierre
    Period 6

  4. Ther are many diffrences and similarties in the world ariund us. Some similariteis is that evreyone needs food and water to survive. And also people have similar natural resources. Some diffrences is that some countries have more money than others. Also, some countries have diffrent languges. There are many diffrences and similarities of diffrent countries.

  5. People around the world have many similarities along with many differences. Humans all rely on one another with trading and helping each other out to get by. Some other examples would be we all sin and make mistakes and we are all under some rule of government. Some differences we have would be languages, religions, skin color, culture. For example a difference that we learned awhile ago in religion is Judaism vs. Christianity. The difference in religion cause fights and murders to take place. Even though many differences may seem bad, these all help shape our world and who we are as people into what we are today.
    - Rayna Mock

  6. Through out all the world the cultures, communities, cities, towns and groups have many similarities and differences. One thing that everyone has in common, every person no matter what difference, is we all have beliefs. We all have something that we believe whether it is a religion, or a view, or opinion. A lot of times this is the very thing that unites one another. Another similarity is that God created all of us evn though we do have differences. Another thing is that we all require basic necesities to live and have a healthy life. All of these include water, food, shelter, clothes etc; Differences, however are numerous. The government enviroment could be different because of the different laws or rules. The enviroment of land or resources is different and varys from place which also seperates us from one another.
    Kelsey Butler
    period 6
    may 10 2011
    Mr Baker

  7. I believe that there are many differences in the world, good and bad. But these differences make each person unique.Some of these differences include cultural,racial,and geographical differences.Furthermore, many people have differences that unit this world.

  8. Ni1e 18@II (Nile Ball)May 10, 2011 at 10:55 PM

    Many countries around the world are similar in religion or some of the food they eat. In Australia they could do something one way, then in South America they could do something the exact same way, but would never know it because they are on two opposite sides of the world, and that's what makes it special. Most of the time the differences are within the country, not outside of it. Because if you think about it, there are probably more conflicts inside a country than there are on the outside. So mostly differences come from within similarities come from without in my opinion.

  9. People around the world have many similarities and differances. One of the big differances is culture. Every country or part of the world has a differant culture. Also language and color seperates the world. one similarity is we are all human. Which means we all have the ability to come together.

    Ryan wesley

  10. Peole are different in many different reasons ranging from distant countries.People can be different and similar all at the same time.Race,religion,height,eye color,shoe/foot size,all people are different.Also people can different from what tribes people come from and what country people can originate from.

  11. We have learned about many different countries around the world this year. Different countries speak different language and have different religion. Culture is the biggest difference between countries and regions of the world.
    All of these different people groups are different, whether they are all white,all black, or diverse.
    In the end we are all the same, and we need to come together and solve our problems.

  12. Over the entire course of the year I have noticed many similarities and many differences between cultures. For example, throughout the African unit I realized that in Africa people tend to be less fortunate than some people in the United States or in Europe. Not only that, almost every country we have covered speaks a different language. Africans speak Bantu, Arabic, and many others while Europeans speak mainly French and Spanish. Also, I have realized many similarities like the fact that almost every single country goes through the same problems. For example, the African government went through a civil rights movement like the United States went through a civil rights time period. Therefore, different countries can learn from other countries' mistakes and history, which is why learning about other's culture is crucial in our lives.
    ~Megan Schwarzkopf~
    Period 6

  13. There are many similarities between the people that we have studied this year. Some of these similarities are the segregation and separation period that many countries, like African countries and the US, experience. Another is that many people share the same interests like sports and foes. Culture effects how they live and how their families are structured.
    There are also differences in the people of the world. These differences are language barriers, skin color, and religion. Another difference id financial situation, many Americans and Europeans are wealthy and blessed, while Africans and South Americans are less fortunate and have less than us.
    Because of the similarities and differences between culture and people, we can learn from others' mistakes and successes. Learning about other people and how try live is beneficial to us because we can use their knowledge and experiences to benefit us.
    Quinn Larimer
    5/11/10 prd 6

  14. I've learned so much about people and their culture this year in world cultures. All the people in the world have a goal. If that is to be the best and most modernized, or dominate in your religion, we all have to aim for something. Also, people all have there own opinions. Us as humans think we are always are right, but sometimes we aren't. I realized that also in every country, its history goes by the same pattern, maybe some slower than others, but that is another similarity.

    There are alot of differences between people, like their skin color and looks. Also their way of living, religion, how much money they have, and thier government. People are all different because not one of us is alike. Even me and my sister are different because we have different views of different things. we each have our own style too. People are different in the languages that they speak, the food they eat, what kind of education they have, and if they have a family. Learning about all these different cultures this year makes me realize how fortunate I am to be in a developed country that has freedom of religion and a good government compared to others, and good healthcare, and education.

    Period 5

  15. People from around the world are both similar and the same. The outward appearances are different, but humans are all the same on the inside. However, the cultures will change the ways that people think. Islam people are much different than catholics. And Zimbabweans are much different than people from France by terms of skin color and religion. While everyone may look and think differently and be independant, everyone is a child of God and outward appearances don't matter.

  16. People all around the world have several things in common. They all face trials and go through hard times. They all have their own culture and beliefs. There are a lot of differences. The most evident is our outside appearance. Americans look completely different from Asians or Mexicans. We have different languages and we even dress different.The main difference is what we believe.Even though God created all of us not everyone believes in God and some people believe in a God but not in Jesus.

  17. Every part of the world is different in almost every way, thinking, culture, ideas. The world will not come together as one for a long time, especially because the further we go into history, we as people develop more hatred and rivalries. Yet that is what brings us together, ironically. What'll kill us is our greatest strength, our ability to hate, which is normally what brings people together, hatred of a common enemy. That's the one similarity we have with every single one of the six billion people on Earth. It may not be a glorious connection, but its the one we got. Am I saying that good? No. I merely am telling the truth, a sad one.

  18. Kristina Harrington said...

    We have learned about many people this year that are similar and different in many ways. For example, there are people all over the world who believe in many different religions, but as we all know believing in Jesus Christ is the only way to get to heaven. Another example, of differences is a variety of different languages. By having so many different languages people are able to express themselves through language. Lastly, people have different cultures that set them apart from everyone else. By expressing their love for dress and difference in food, different parts of the world are able to stand apparent.
    Some simulators in countries are that we are all the same in the eyes of God. God loves us all the same even though all the people in the world are different. Galatians 3:28 says there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Therefore, even though we all make mistakes we are one in Jesus Christ. Another example is that we all needed each other to make it in the world. Each culture brings something that another country needs to survive. This is why being the same and different allows the world to go round.

  19. People ared ifferent in the way they look sound and how they appear in physical stature. People were separated for how they sound at an early time. It started back in the old testament of the bible. This is when God made everybody speak a different language and made them be separated and go off and start new countries. This began people separating for how they look sound and appear. Also different ethnic groups cause people to live i different countries. Chinese and Japanese people live in Asia because they explored and settled there. God made everybody different for a reason and people will always be different.

  20. What are the similarities and differences in different places all over the world?
    All over the world people have different customs and beliefs in everyday life. Although everyone is different, especially in different countries and continents, we are all human beings. One of the main differences that separates the people in the world is religion. Whether it is like us, Christians, or Muslims, Jews, or Mormons, we all have different views of life and not all the same beliefs. Religions are widespread though, and there are people of all religions everywhere. One of differences of countries and places is also a similarity. Even though there are different styles of clothing and looks, some of the fashion is widespread. In a lot of different areas, people wear jeans and t shirts. Another difference between different lands is the economy or how poor or rich the country or continent is. In America, even though we are millions of dollars in debt, we still make it a priority to buy superficial items such as the newest fashion, toys, or electronics. Opposite than in Africa, where they struggle everyday just to have enough food and water to survive.
    Sarah Zschunke
    Mr. Baker per. 5

  21. there are thousands of differant cultures all overt he world. Each culture has a different lifestyle, diet, religion and way of dressing. And each one is unique to that culture.
    audrey garrett
