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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

U.S. History Question #12

"At the heart of racism is the religious assertion that God made a creative mistake when He brought some people into being."

Racism is nothing new. Racism has plagued different cultures all over the world and stained the pages of history throughout recorded history. Racism didn't wait for the modern world, nor has it faded with time. The Bible speaks of the hatred between the Jews and Gentiles, as well as the conflict between the Samaritans and Jews. Apartheid in South Africa seperated the blacks from the whites for several decades. The genocide of the Jews by the Nazis during World War II is well documented. America hasn't escaped the problem of racism either. From the time of the 3/5 Compromise at the Constitutional Convention through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 whites and blacks clashed in the United States.

Answer the following questions...

Why is racism so common around the world and throughout history?

Does racism still exist in America?

Will the issue of race ever be solved in America? Why or why not?

World Cultures Question #12

Imagine you have a friend that really needs help with something; it could be their school work, sports, or social life. You decide to help your friend with their problem because you are really good at whatever it is they need help with. After giving your friend help, they try to take your advice but they mess up and ruin all of the help you gave them. You continue to help over and over again, but they continue to mess up.

What should you do? Do you keep helping? Should you have even helped in the first place? Do you stop helping? How long do you help? Did your help actually hurt them? Can you actually help too much? What does the Bible say about helping others? Does the Bible say anything about helping someone too much?